King's Business - 1919-07



and oh how those childish voices ran g out——“Yes Jesus loves me, th e Bible tells me so !” The blind and maimed and h a lt came creeping ou t crowding round and there were wet lashes and softened lines on old, sin hardened faces, and as we went from w ard to w ard singing and telling of Jesu s th e w onderful Saviour, one could wish for no g rea ter compensation than th e g ratefu l expression in tired eyes, even a p a rt from th e fain tly whis­ pered “ please come again soon” and “God bless you.” Space will no t per­ m it of our recounting our wonderful visit to th e County farm b u t th e long tram p to th e cars in th e ho t sun carry­ ing our organ seemed as no thing com­ pared to th e th rill of real joy flooding our souls as we praised Him for yet one more opportunity of preaching the Gos­ pel to th e poor.— David Cant, Supt. R em arkable Answer to P ra y er The p ast m onth has been a very fru itfu l one. Answers to prayers have been many and several conversions have been reported. One of these answers to prayer is unusual WORK AMONG enough to w arra n t THE JEW S mention. A sh o rt tim e ago a lady called us on th e telephone and said, “We are in trouble. My husband sent a young man who works in our sto re to th e bank th is morning to de­ posit some money, giving ,him th e bank book w ith checks and currency to the am ount of $530.00. The boy retu rn ed a few m inutes ago and said he had lost th e bank book and money.” These friends felt keenly th e loss of th is money and, hum anly speaking, its recovery was ou t of th e question for anyone finding it would likely te a r up th e checks, pocket th e large am ount of currency and never say anything about it. The wife of th is business man sug­ gested th a t they jum p in th e ir machine and come over to our house and th ere

un rest in Him, the changeless One. And when our failing h earts grow depressed w ith th e increasing rejection of our Lord Jesus Christ among th e many, we can always find some responsiveness in the shops, th e hospitals and county farm . We were drawn to a b rig h t young man on th e car th e o ther morning. Said he, “ I have been w aiting fo r ten years for ju st such a ta lk as this, many years in the church, singing the praises of God, going religiously to Hell and no one ever told me th e story before or pointed me to Christ, nor asked me to definitely receive Him as my personal Saviour. Always believing abou t Him b u t never believing in H im .” How much need to pray for many such th a t w ith th e eye of faith they may see no man b u t Jesus only as the perfect divine Substitute. I t isn’t very often we see men in these days, completely broken down and sobbing over th e ir sins and back- slidings b u t only la st week we knelt w ith such a one. “ Oh th e years of vanity and pride, p arin g no t my Lord was crucified Knowing no t for me He died On Calvary.” , B u t surely th e re was joy th a t hour in th e presence of th e angels in heaven over one rep en tan t sinner. On th e way home two weary ones husband and wife waiting for th e setting sun in th e ir old days sa t on th e ir door step. It ju st seemed th e most n a tu ra l th ing to unfold our organ and sing into th e ir h earts th e story of Jesus. Such g ratitud e! We can still see those tired faces ligh t up and fairly shine and th e ir waving hands and h ear th e ir words of th ank s as we tu rn ed homeward, no r can we ever forget th e scene in the children’s w ard of th e County H ospital as they gathered round and sang, “ Jesu s loves me th is I know, F o r th e Bible tells me so, L ittle ones to H im belong, They are weak b u t He is strong .”

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