King's Business - 1919-07

THE KI NG' S BUS I NES S have prayer for the recovery of th e lost money. This they did, and four of us together prayed th a t if it pleased the Lord th is money m ight be found and retu rn ed . A fter prayer one of the num ­ ber seemed to have assurance from the Lord th a t the money would be recovered and spoke to th a t effect. The next day prayer for the re tu rn of th e money was also offered in our Jew ­ ish P ray er Circle and a t two o’clock th a t same afternoon an old Christian gentlem an walked into th e store of the business man and handing over a pack­ age containing th e bank-book, checks and money said “Here; I believe th is package belongs to you.” A generous rew ard was given to the old man, and to God, who so wonder­ fully answered prayer, was given the praise and th e glory and thanksgiving. W hat made th e re tu rn of th is money seem all th e more rem ark ab le was the fact th a t it was lost on F irs t and Los Angeles Streets, th e la st place in the world where, hum anly speaking, one would expect to lose money and have it retu rn ed . Some days ago a young man came to our door and told us a story which illu strate s w hat some of our Jew ish con­ v erts have to undergo when they tu rn from Judaism to Christianity. Through th e influence of a friend and by reason of meetings attended a t a Mission he had come to know and accept Jesus Christ as his Messiah and Saviour. When he confessed to th e members of his fam ily th a t he had become a C hristian they were very b it­ te r and abusive tow ard him . F inding they could n o t by th re a ts and in tim id a­ tion move him to re tu rn to Judaism , they changed th e ir tactics and spent money freely on him and th en sought to persuade him to leave Christianity. When th e fath e r saw th a t all means failed to effect th e ir purpose he told the boy unless he had decided to renounce C h rist th a t he need n o t come back home th a t night.

619 The mother tried to influence the boy to give up Christianity by saying th a t he was disgracing th e family, th a t not one of th e ir people for generations back had ever become a Christian, his grand­ fath e r had been a Rabbi, and one who tu rn ed from his fa th e r’s religion was a tra ito r and a black sheep. She told th e boy ■ finally th a t he m ight stay a t home and believe w hat he liked b u t not to say anything about it. When th e boy refused to stay under those conditions she stru ck him on the face, first w ith one hand and th en w ith th e other w ith all her m ight, and the boy a strong young fellow, though he m ight easily have held th e m o th er’s w rists powerless in his grasp, stood per­ fectly still and let her do her worst. Loyalty first to Jesus Christ and then to th a t old Jewish mother, kep t him from resisting her attac k on him. So severe were her blows th a t he carried th e m arks on his face long afterw ard. When she asked him if he had decided now to give up Jesus and come back home th a t n igh t he said, “No mother, I won’t give H im up and I am not coming home ton igh t.” F o r th ree days he was forced to rem ain hidden while his fath e r w ith a revolver on his person and th rea ten ­ ing th e life of th e boy, searched for him. He is getting along very nicely now and daily growing in grace and th e knowledge of the Lord and has not th e sligh test though t of ever tu rn ing his back on Jesus Christ to go back to Judaism .— Jam es A. Yaus, Supt. V aried Opportunities on th e Ships The unparalleled opportunity of reaching m u ltitudes from many differ­ en t nations in a single day, was forcibly b rough t to our atten tion one afternoon as a vessel was in WORK AMONG process of b e i n g THE SEAMEN fum igated. All her passengers and crew

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