King's Business - 1919-07



If th e re ever was a religious town, th is is one. I t has a population of about two thousand, w ith four or five churches, and all well attended. There is a D unkard college w ith some hun ­ dred and sixty students. The meetings are being held in the B reth ren church. N ight by n igh t the church is filled, and sometimes more th a n filled. I have rarely seen such an earn est people as th e members of th is church, and no wonder w ith such a red- hot pastor, Rev. T. H. Broad. You have eith er to become ho t for th e Lord, or else g et ou t where you can be com fort­ able in a cool or cold condition. They believe th e while Bible and preach it and live it. They are very much in love w ith th e coming again of th e Lord Jesus. Since we have given the invitation, we have had the joy of seeing some come rig h t ou t for th é Lord, and feel sure th a t many will be b rough t to the Lord before th e close of the meetings. Every day a num ber of women meet for prayer and th en go two by two call­ ing on people and urging them to come to the meetings. One man said he had had fo rty invitations, and some of the people (have expressed th e ir resentm ent a t th e im po rtun ity of the w orkers in th e ir efforts to bring them to the meet­ ings and to Christ. P raise God for the privilege of work­ ing w ith such a fine lot of red ho t Christians. P ra y for us. If it is h ard to pray, pray harder! We begin meetings soon in San Pedro (the seaport of Los Angeles). The meet­ ings th e re will be held in a big ten t, in which churches of the city w ill unite. There are many adversaries, b u t also wonderful opportunities, so help us by your prayers, will you not?

strang er and need help. I believe you can help me. When can I see you?” A m e e t i n g was WORK OF THE planned. It seemed BIBLE WOMEN she had almost ru n away from her east­ ern home to find re st and deliverance from annoying things th a t were spoil­ ing h er life. Still she was unhappy because of lack of peace and fellowship w ith the Lord. When th e Word was given to her, though it h u rt, she saw she was holding b itterness in her own h e a rt and th a t she had in terru p ted her peace and fellowship w ith her Lord and she was w illing to tu rn it all over to Him. Then she said afterw ard s, “ It is all so different; now I w ant to go back and le t it work out. How we need to have th e Word opened up to us back there. A Bible class of ladies like th is is an unheard of th ing in all our city.” Some valuable lite ra tu re on th e false cults of th e day had been d istribu ted th roughou t th e city by th e Bible In sti­ tu te. We know th a t th is lite ra tu re is definitely m eeting th e need in many very different ways. A Bible woman offered it to a man w aiting for his car; “I ’ll be glad to have it,” he responded. “Some one gave me one a day or so ago, b u t w alking th rough a car I saw a woman reading a C hristian Science book. She accepted my pam phlet and as long as I rem ained on the car she was reading it, so I am glad to receive ano th er copy in th e place of m ine.” In visiting th e homes where God is honored and many tim es in godless homes we learn more and more the h e a rt hunger of the little folks of these households to know Him who said “ Suffer th e little children to come unto me.” One little fellow wbo had been a t­ tending Sunday School w here he hears more about Boy Scouts and things of th a t so rt th a n of Jesu s Christ, said, “ I w an t to go to Sunday School where I can h ear about God.” I t is th e same h e a rt cry for God th a t

F rom Home to Home W ith th e Gospel A fter a Bible class one day a lady came to the teacher saying, “ I am a

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