King's Business - 1919-07



A small church of less th a n seventy- five members signed th e membership cards, prom ising to read and carry a Testam ent or Bible daily' and in a few weeks had signed up two hundred un­ saved people in th e neighborhood to do th e same. Many conversions have re­ sulted. H igh school boys in a Sunday School class who were no t a t all noted for th e ir activity in C hristian work joined th e League and have persuaded some two hundred others to join also, many of whom have decided fo r Christ. Another encouraging phase of th is g reat movement is th e increasing in te r­ est in th e Word of God. Many Chris­ tian s have testified to a new in terest in and knowledge of God’s Book, resu lt­ ing in g reat personal blessing, since joining th e League. During an exam­ ination period in a seventh grade the teacher told the pupils th a t if anyone finished his paper before the hou r was up he could come to her desk and get a book to read. One boy stood up and said th a t he had a book, showing his Pocket Testam ent. By th e end of the exam ination hou r fifteen pupils were reading th e ir Testam ents. T ruly an inspiring sight. Recently a t a church social attended by four or five hundred people someone asked how many pre­ sent had th e ir T estam ents w ith them. W hat a blessed sight it was to w itness nearly everyone of those people holding up th e ir Pocket T estam ents as they joined in singing, “Take It Wherever You Go.” We expect to be in our neyr office, which is th e headqu arters for the Pocket Testam ent League on th e P a­ cific Coast in a few days. I t is located in th e new branch store of the Biola Book Room on th e corner of Sixth and Hope Streets, opposite th e In stitu te Building.—-Vernon V. Morgan, Sec’y.

leads th e little ones to say, “Tell me a true story, mother,— something from the Bible.” She had been in a Bible class held in h er neighborhood for over a year. She was moreover a Christian woman yet for some reason most of her friends had other views and some of them very false ones. Then th e Bible woman, who ta u g h t th e class, began to feel troubled abou t h er; th e re was a lack of response to th e Word of God, a little hardness and coldness in h er attitud e, un til finally she felt she had to speak to her. It all came out th a t she had gone into a false teaching, was attend ing th eir services and was nearly convinced th a t h er friends were rig h t and shewhad been w rong all th e time. All th e Teacher felt she could say was “ I am so grieved and disappointed.” She took th e whole m a tte r to God, laying th e case very definitely before Him. Then she though t p rayerfully th rough w hat she should say to th e woman, point by point. A deep peace came as she did this, and a week la ter she called upon th e woman in h er home. B u t th e work had already been done by th e One who is Mighty to save. Po in t by point, He had revealed th e tru th as th e Bible Woman had prayed and studied and now she understood th e peace th a t had come when He undertook the work and she could rejoice over ano ther wno had been safe-guarded from erro r through a neighborhood Bible class and prayer in His Name.— Mrs. T. C. Horton, Supt. A Strong Pacific Coast B ranch One of th e most encouraging fea­ tu res of th e Pocket T estam ent League is th e w onderfully increased activity among the Christians who join the League. Many be- TESTAMENT lievers in Christ who LEAGUE have never done any definite service for the Lord are now doing aggressive, soul­ saving work.

W ill you pray daily for th e work of the B ible In stitu te o f Los Angeles?

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