King's Business - 1919-07

The Chosen People,The .Land and ¿he Book Notes Concerning the Jevtfs and Prophecy) IHJ

tralian citizenship who distinguished himself during th e w ar and Was made commander of th e A ustralian Battalion- in Gallipoli. Prof. F linders, th e Egyptologist be­ lieves th a t Jeru salem ’ should be kept in ta ct for all tim e and th a t th e city should not be tu rn ed over to th e Jews for actual residence. He proposes building a chain of garden cities about th e old city, th u s saving th e historic alleys of the an cien t city from the inroads of modern civilization. The theory is good, b u t seems to conflict w ith w hat God has spoken. A Jew ish rabbi, assisting in revival meetings a t a Methodist Church— how does th a t sound? Cleveland, Ohio pap­ ers recently contained th e following: “Rabbi Louis Wolsey, of th e Euclid- Avenue Temple, will particip ate in Re­ vival Meetings to be held a t the Wade P ark Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church, on “The Message of Jesu s.” The Pastor, Di*. Wm. A. Rutledge; invited th e rabbi, afte r hearing h ii ad­ dress ;recently delivered before the Methodist M inisters’ Association, at which the pastors were given a new “ Jew ish View of Jesus.” To th e Methddist m inisters he said in p a rt: g “The modern Jew has come to look upon Jesus as a g reat prophet of God. In th e ir worship they mention His name as frequen tly as they do Jehovah. The Jew ish people needed Jesus as th e peoples of th e Old Testa­ m ent tim es needed Abraham , Isaac and Jacob. Christ opened th e old Jewish religion to th e world th rough His ideals. Both th e Jews and Gentiles' made m istakes when JeSus came. The Jews m ade th e m istake in rejecting Him, and th e Gentiles th e m istake of

The Canadian. Jew ish Congress in Montreal, recently declared in favor of a five day working week. Thus do men set themselves ag ain st God’s command — “ six days sh alt thou labo r.” It» was reported la st year th a t the Pope favored the re tu rn of the Jews to Palestine. Now, however, th e Pope has seen a new light, for he is speaking strongly again st th e occupation ■of P alestine by th e Jews. A Jew ish P rophetic Conference was held a t the Moody Bible In stitu te, Chi­ cago, May 20-23, under the direction of "the Chicago Hebrew Mission, of which Dr. Chas. A. B lanchard is president and Dr. W. E. B lackstone, vice president. The leader of th e Russian Zionists reported recently to th e London Zion­ ist Conference, th a t large masses of the Jews in Russia are ready to imm igrate to Palestine. Many w ealthy Jews th ere are w aiting an opening of travel th a t they m ight s ta rt indu strial enterprises in Palestine. . Mohammedans and some Christians joined in a p ro test made through the London Daily News, against a Jewish homeland. They appealed to th e Peace Conference, asking th a t Palestine be given to them as th e sons of th e accre­ dited residents of th e prom ised land. G reat h atre d again st th e Jews has recently been displayed in Berlin. P la­ cards have been d istributed asking the citizens to massacre Jews, because the Jews killed 200 children a t Easter. The American Commission in Berlin was asked by prom inent Jews to aid the Jews in German cities. Israel Zangwill and other prom inent Jews, are now advocating Sir John Monash as: tem porary governor of Palestine. The la tte r is a Jew of Aus­

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