King's Business - 1919-07



Suggestive Bible Readings

Man, Beast, Fowl, Creeping 'Thing. This q u arte t is constantly associated, in th e Bible, everywhere except “ In Christ.” 1. They are th e “ created” beings of Genesis. Gen. 1:20-28. 2. Their food, a t first, was the same for each. Gen. 1:29-31. 3. Each had a p art in th e ante-delu- vian wickedness. Gen. 6:7, 11-13. 4. They were destroyed togeth er by th e flood. Gen. 21-23. 5. A rem n an t of each was saved in the ark . Gen. 8:16-17. 6. The rainbow covenant was made w ith each. Gen. 9:9-17. (The creeping th ing no t mentioned here, b u t seems to be included in “ every living cre atu re” and “all flesh.” ) 7. God forbade the Israelites to make graven images in th e likeness of any of these. Deut. 4:14-18. 8. Solomon’s proverbs were w ritten concerning each of these. 1 Kgs. 4:29-34. 9. All are commanded to praise th e name of the Lord. Psa. 148:7-13. 10. All were involved in the Vision of P ete r a t Joppa. Acts. 10:9-22. 11. The idols of the nations are mo­ deled afte r them . Rom. 1:23. 12. They are all found in th e signs of the zodiac. 13. They are all found in the emblems of modern nations and on th e ir coins. 14. Outside of Christ, “man has no preem inence above” th e others. Eccl. 3:17-21; Ex. 13:13.— J. C. Stillion.

Need of R egeneration

(1 ) Man is co rrup t (Eph. 4 :22 ; Psa. 5 3 :1 ; Gen. 6:11, 12), defiled (Mark 7 :21 -23 ), filthy (Psa. 14 :3 ; Isa. 6 4 :6 ), ungodly (Rom. 5 :6 ; Jude 14, 15), evil (Gen. 6 :5 ), de­ ceitful, desperately wicked (Jer. 1 7 :9 ), and th e like* and needs cleansing. (2 ) He is a “ child of th e devil” (John 8 :44 ; 1 John 3 :10 ; Acts 1 3 :1 0 ), and needs to be horn again, horn into God’s family. (3) He is sp iritually dead, dead to God (Eph. 2 :1 ; 1 Tim. 5 :6 ; 1 John 5 :1 2 ), and needs life. Regeneration meets these th ree needs. See John 3:5, born, w ater, spirit. “W ater” is th e type of th e Spirit (John 7:38, 39) in His cleansing power (Eph. 5 :2 6 ). The word for “ Sp irit” means wind, breath , life, spirit, and is personified to denote "the Holy Spirit. It is a life-giving word. (4 ) Necessary to en ter heaven (John 3:3, 5). (5 ) T h at which is born of th e flesh is flesh, cannot please God, is no t sub­ ject to th e law of God, nor can it he made to he (John 3 :6 ; Rom. 8:7, 8 ). The “ flesh,” or self-life, is thoroughly bad and cannot he improved. See Gal. 5:19-21. (6) Jesus said, “ Ye m ust be horn ag ain” (Jo h n 3 :7 ). Why? (Gal. 6 :1 5 ).— H. S. Miller. a» a» Christ’s Rebukes of L ittle F a ith 1. Because of too much CARE— Mt. 6:30. 2. Because of COWARDICE— Mt. 8:26 3. Because too CAUSIOUS— Mt. 14:31. 4. Because of CAVILING— Mt. 16:8. — K. L. B.

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