King's Business - 1919-07

THE K I NG ’S BUS I NES S P rim itiv e Evangelism Jo h n 1 I— It Centered on Christ. II --It Began a t Home. III— -It D isregarded Class. IV— It Converts Endured. V—-It Was In terested in a Sinner. , — R. S. Beal. W h at R egeneration Is 1-—A new, second b irth (John 3 :3 ; 1 :13 ); 2 —A cleansing process (John 3 :5 ; T itus 3 :5 ;: Ezek. 36 :25 ). 3— A life giving (Eph. 2:1, 4, 5; 1 John 3 :1 4 ). 4— God’s piece of work, a creation in Christ Jesus (Eph. 2:1, 10). The word tran slated “ to become” in John 1:12 means to be created. 5— A new creation (1 Cor. 5 :17 ; Gal. 6 :1 5 ). 6— —A sp iritu al resurrection into a new life (Rom. 6 :4 -6 ). 7— An exchange of h earts (Jer. 17:9, w ith Ezek. 3 6 :2 6 ).— H. S. Miller. THE WHITE SLAVE TRAFFIC Evangelist T ilm an P. Hobson during the special services held under the auspices of th e Bible In stitu te of Los Angeles in Biola Hall, gave an illus­ tra te d lecture on The W hite Slave T raf­ fic, repeating it th e re upon requ est the following week. The in te rest awakened was such th a t we though t it wise to have th e lecture given in our Auditor­ ium when nearly 3000 people were present. The pictures and th e story, so faith fu lly depicted th e aw ful snares surrounding young women, and the revelation of th e methods used by these white-slavers in snaring young women, was of such a ch aracter th a t we could wish every young woman in th is coun­ try could have these words of warning. We cheerfully commend th is valuable lectu re to th e churches anywhere as a means of saving the lives of many young women.

628 “H arken Ye R ighteous” Isa. 51 :1 The four looks of those who follow a fte r righteousness: I— Isa. 51:1— Look Down— The Look in Hell-—To make us grateful. II —Isa. 51:1— Look Back—-The Look into th e F lesh— To keep us hum ­ ble. III— Isa. 51:6— Look up— The Look of F aith— To e n c o u r a g e and streng th en us. IV— Isa. 51:6-—Look Out— The Look a t Judgm en t— To stir our h earts to service—-W. H. P. Eph. 2:8, 9— Salvation by grace. 1 Cor. 9:17— Rewards for service. John 5:24— “H ath Everlasting life.” 1 Cor. 4 :5— Rewards no t “ un til the Lord come.” 1 P et. 1 :5—-“K ept by power of God in Salvation. Col. 2:18— “ Let no man rob you” of your reward. Rev. 22:17-—Salvation “whoso­ ever.” 1 Cor. 3:12— Rewards to Chris­ tians. Eph. 1:3-—Heaven in Salvation. Jas. 1:12— Position in Heaven for rew ard.— R. S. Beal. Be Hot Anxious 1. About the Uncontrolable provi­ dences of yesterday. Mt. 6:27. 2. About the Unprovided w ants of today. Mt. 6:25. 3. About th e Uncertain events of to­ morrow. Mt. 6:34. .. Our one anxiety is—Unconditional S urrender to God. „Mt. 6:33. —rK. L. B. II— Their Possession— III— Their Retention—- IV— Their Sphere of Action— V — Their Outcome-— Salvation an d Rewards I — Their Basis—•

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