T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S T . C . H O R TO N , Editor KEITH L. BROOK S, Managing Editor R. A .T O R R E Y , D. D. FR ED ER IC W . FA R R , D .D . J. H . H U N T E R W . H . PIKE Contributing Editors
S IGN S of tke Times Luke 12:54-56: “And He said to th e m u ltitud es also, When ye see a cloud rising in th e west, straigh tw ay ye say, th e re cometh a shower; an d so it cometh to pass. And when ye see a south w ind blowing, ye say, T here will be a scorching h ea t; and it cometh to pass. Ye hypocrites, ye know how to in te rp re t th e face of th e e a rth and th e heaven; b u t how is it th a t ye know n o t how to in te rp re t th is tim e?” (R. V.) The Lord is speaking to the people and says, “ Yon are weather-wise, but yon are blind otherwise. You know what the wind will bring, but you don’t know what the Word will bring.” The people were blind to the corruption of the priests and scribes, to the hollowness of their pretensions. . Their ears were closed to the low thundering of discontent, and the approaching conflict between the people and the government of Rome. Were He here today could He not say to the church, “ How is it that ye do not discern the signs of the times?” IN W H A T N A T IO N Is There Rest? During the whole period of the Peace Conference, we do not remember having seen any mention of a Bible being upon the peace table. We have rejoiced in knowing that there were praying men at the head of the armies, but the statesmen seem to be lacking in wisdom, or they would have con sulted the oracles of God. The peace pact is signed, but where is the sign of peace? A knowledge of the Word of God would have made it very clear that no permanent peace could ever be maintained without the presence of the Prince of Peace. Man is sinful by nature. Nations are simply a multiple of individuals. How could sinful nations hope for a period of peace? Sin is selfish, and every note at the peace table evidences the purpose of the nations involved to serve their own interests, and this is natural. We were told we must enter the war and fight for our self-pro tection, and we fought, big and successfully. Now every nation is preparing for war for commercial supremacy. We are not seeking to promote Eng land’s prosperity. Every nation is fearful now of the other, and what is remarkable is that there is not a nation on the globe that is at rest. Every where there is a strange consciousness of fear of the future. No nation knows what a day may bring forth. Statesmen, soldiers, politicians, busi ness men, are looking into the future with deep concern.
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