King's Business - 1919-07



shows to w hat heights som e , are able to rise: - ‘‘Mrs. V------- C-------, who was look­ ing wonderfully picturesque. She a t­ tracted a lo t of atten tio n in her black satin coat w ith its outstanding sk irt worn over black satin breeches gartered w ith diamonds. H er head-dress was tru ly a m iracle and consisted of a close-fitting tu rb an ornam ented w ith diamonds and having , a g littering diamondset top from which rose two golden pheasants’ ta il feathers th a t waved and curved nearly to h er knees. She carried in her black-gloved hand an ebony, diamond-encrusted stick with long tassels of black je t and diamonds, while t h e :heels of her shoes and the tu rn ed up toes thereof were also set in arabesques of diamonds— a wonderful and graceful figure surely” Thus did 4000 o th ers on the same occasion celebrate the dawn of world peace. , • •¡ti.-• :3ta PRAY AS YOU H IKE There is some tru th in th e following little incident recently, rela ted ; One Monday morning two little girls, aged seven and nine, were on th eir way to school. F earing they would be tardy, th e seven-year-old said to th e nine-year- old: “L et’s k,neel down and pray th a t we won’t, be la te.” T h e .nine-year-old said to the seven- year-old: “L et’s keep on hiking and pray as we h ike.” y . S. Wins ¡Campbell Morgan Rev. G. Campbell Morgan, form er pastor of, th e W estm inster Congrega­ tional Church, London, has accepted a professorship ,of th e Bible Teachers’ T raining school,, New York.

w hat a meeting th a t w ill be— the meet­ ing between th e sp irit and th e glorified body? John Boys, w riting upon Psa. 16:11, says: “W hat a sweet greeting th a t will be between th e soul and th e body, the nearest and dearest acquaintance th a t ever were! Blessed be thou, she will say, for thou h ast aided me to th e glory 1 have enjoyed since I p arted w ith thee; blessed a rt thou th a t sufferedst thyself to be mortified, giving thy members as weapons of righteousness unto God. In tim es past we two walked together as friends in God!s house, for when I prayed inwardly, thou didst attend my devotions w ith bowed knees and lifted up hands outwardly. We two have been fellow-laborers in the works of the Lord; we two have suffered together and now we ty o shall reign together. I will en ter again into thee, and so both of us tog ether w ill en ter into our M aster’s joy, where we shall have pleasures a t His rig h t hand forever more.” FOSSILATED PREACHER ' A Congregational Church advertises for a new pastor in the following language: “W anted— By Congregational Church —A P asto r: Foolish enough to believe th e Scriptures, 1 Cor. 1:18-25; fiery enough to preach th e Gospel, Rom. 1 : 1 6 ; fossilated enough to contend for th e faith , Jud e 3. P ray th a t they may get w hat they want. HINT TO THE PREACHER* “ You say your laundry woman ^re­ m inds you of a good p reacher?”. :> “ Yes; she’s always bringing things home to me th a t I never saw before.”

HELPING ON BOLSHEVISM 1 They say it Likes a i r empty head to rise, to th e heights o f/fa sh io n .' iThp following taken from an account of :a ball held not.! long sincCi in London,

; The Bible I n s titu te 'o f L o s :Angeles is depending upon th e p rayers an d gifts ,of those who believe tlie W ord of God.

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