King's Business - 1919-07

... 633

T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S WE ARE CLIMBING! The S tairs Indicate th e gain in P aid Subscription L ist, (-not th e to tal circu­ la tio n ).


r mM the Pope has had in the days of th is war. He was in a position to call tog ether card inals from all p arts of Europe and ^he world, and Roman ^.Catholic prelates besides these, and - to g e th e r a t firsthand secure d ata th a t could no t be gotten by any o ther au ­ thority. And he could have { sperit months in arrang ing th is data, in classi­ fying it, in draw ing a conclusion th a t would be satisfactory to some extent, doubtless, and it doubtless would have been possible for him to have said where the sin lieth. And yet w hat do we see? We see a man who was watch­ ing th e shadow upon th e dial. We see a man w ith all his pretensions of in­ fallibility losing th e g reatest opportun­ ity in th e history of th e Roman Catho­ lic Church— cautious, for good reasons. And so th e P ro te sta n t churches are m aking large inroads on th e Roman Catholic Church, especially in Italy where th e Methodist Church in par­ tic u la r has made w onderfu l inroads. The tim e is coming when the eccle­ siastical au to crat who sits in th e Vati­ can will lose h is crown, w ith th e rest of th e European crowns. :I t is alto­ g ether possible th a t th e day is no t far d istan t when democracy shall be th e though t of th e world, before Which a church as au tocratic as -the Roman Catholic Church, shall be led to change h er policy.— P ete r Ainslee;L JL;; D., in The Sermonizer. HEAVEN-BORN PRAYER They said of L u ther, “There goes a man who can have anything of God he likes.” T h at is tru e of every believer. W ithin th e scope of the. prom ises (and we have no n e e d -o r desire to expeed th a t) and praying in yieldedness to the Holy Spirit, we. can ask w hat we will, and it shall be done for us. O for a holy, daring in the m agnitude of our petition. , « j p a l . ate

We expect the to ta l circulation of the Ju ly number to reach th e 12,000 mark. To all subscribers who are helping to boost -“The K ing’s Business,” we wish to express h earty thanks. H un­ dreds are being blessed and some, to our knowledge, have been saved th rough th e testim ony of th e magazine. AN UNINTENTIONAL SLAM A Methodist centenary speaker a t Ohio sta te university began an address to the studen ts th e o ther morning in th is way; ‘‘Now, I ’m not going to talk very long, bu t if you get w h at I ’m going to say in your heads, you’ll have the whole th ing in a nu tsh ell.” And he looked surprised when a ro ar of laugh ter followed his unintentional alam .

i, WHEN THE POPE. PLAYED THE POOL I know of no man in th e world th a t had the. opportunity for religion th a t

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