King's Business - 1919-07

THE KI NG' S BUS I NES S compelled to fear God. United by thé indwelling Spirit who im parted th é life of God,’ th ere was unison of '-life which produced perfect h arm o n y -an d the m anifestation of th e unselfish' life of Christ to the world Which provoked favor w ith the people1: H ere is a birdseye view of God’s plan and purpose for and w ith His people which will bear close inspection and afford a never-changing model for all believers un til th e Lbrd-shall com e.1 ‘ PRACTICAL POINTS 1 1 (1) : The church began w ith a prayer­ meeting, and will, close w ith a praise-meeting. (2) The b irthday of the church was a blessed day for th e children of men, (3) The presence of th e Holy Spirit pervaded th e church and pro­ duced practical results. (4) P eter preached in th e power of th e Spirit,' and th e people were pricked in th e ir h earts. (5) A creedless church will become a cheerless, childless’ and crumbling church. (6 ) , S trength and stab ility in th e church em anate from a firm foundation. (7) The characteristics of the tru e church of Christ are spiritu ality , hum ility t j hospitality and gener­ osity. (8) Feuds, and factions found no place in th e life of th e early , | church. . | (9) j The- socialistic, communistic cry is “W hat you have is mine,,” The- motto' h ere ,1s “W hat I h ave is yours. (10) : The. norm al church will have daily conversions. ... .

637 asked', ‘‘Who fs dead?’'’ “The ’chur’ch1,’* replied th e préáichi LESSON er, ’ as he prilled ILLUSTRATION "away a t th e rope1. W. H. P ik e The visible church in some placés may be dead b u t the victorious members Of Christ’s body are not dead. “He th a t Iiveth and -believeth on Me shall never die,” said '-Christ. The -Living Church. -«Ail the tru e followers of Jesu s Christ aré ’ linked to Him as th e Head and to èàch other, 'th e Body, as my arm is united to my body and head. T h e ’Life of th e Head, Christ, is flowing through all the-body. Each believer in Christ is united to every other believer by th is Resurrection life. Notice a g rea t resfer- ’voir on the mountain side filled w ith beautiful, sparkling w ater. This stand ­ ing alone is of little use, b u t when it is tapped w ith a ¡pipe-and taken to every house in the city below it becomes a blessing. J u st sot; Christ in glory is a g rea t reserivdir of Resurrection life, and when th e believer puts up the pipe of faith, then th a t life begins to flow into th ë soul in b léssihg s:innumerable, tr: Tlie B est Clmrch'. - ■■ “ I belong t8 - -Hié'-“church" diHgeim/i’ said a little Sunday School -girl teacher. O f'C h tira e ; she m eant th e church m ilitant,' as d h é Hhristidiis7 on earth are sometimes called in contrast to those a t rest- in hriaveri. >-1». a t Ivt Who lives p ü red ifë a n d h o e th rightedus ■ deed, 1 I 71 i-om h» .■U ï . i -.-. î .- i ; 7 Arid walks s t r a i g h t 1paths, however ' others stray, ; r > - fr:, And leaves to us his u tterm o st bequest A stainless record- which all men m ay’ read, This is the b etter way.” .............. i The W orld Needs The Church. Dr. F. B. Meyer tells of some infidels’ who, many years ago founded a town in Minnesota, in o rder to have a town “He serves his ’c h u rd i th e beiStHh.

A Dead Church. A preacheri who found no one at prayer m eeting began to toll th e bell. A dozen folks came running- in and-

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