King's Business - 1919-07

THE K I N G ’S HU SI NESS th e L o rd ’s Suppér either, whose" lîVés are an inspiration tó all of 'usi I t is the Writer’s privilege to jJràcticé ' Sev­ eral form s of baptism , as may be choSèn' by the Candidate, to have conscious joy in know ing th a t the Loi*d is honored ih them all. Follow th e Lord as He leads you into the' tru th , and urge upon all believers in Him to make h public confession of thèiìr faith in th e Son of God bjf bap­ tism / - ‘ £ ' PRACTICAL POINTS (1) If we confess Him before men, He will confess US before His F ath e r Which is in Heaven. (2) The “ form ” or the “ form ula”f is not so im po rtan t as th e “ fact.” ( 3 ) ’Baptism is ah outw ard confession' of an inward conversion. (4) Not When, nor where, or how,—■ b u t w ere you baptized? ( 5 ) The baptism of th e believer is the' badge of discipleship. ( 6 ) In . baptism we sep arate forever from Satan, and swear allegiance té a new Master, and become citi- zehs of a new country. (7 ) N either baptism , nor non-baptism ' availeth, bu t a new creation. (8) The rite of baptism is fór those

¿44 and teach àil hàti'óiis.’1*1/'tfh'ìé'is simplfe; definite and p r a tic a i. Ëinphasi^ should bè ’Vlacé'd ' ùpon”'th‘ë !iinpo rtan t • m atter 6f th è commission, ' '“Teaching thein tó observe ' a l l 1 things which X have com­ manded you.” "giving of th e Gos- pél is th e main filin g / The' Lord never intended th a t thé' church should be holders of th e tr u th simply, b u t h erald s of th e message of salvation. ” There are th re e ’ 'little ' w O rd'S ’which express ih e whole plan éf"ô8d: ‘ Get,” “ go,” “ give”— th e Gospel.1 VoU must’ have : you r’ message,— get it. Get it froth the Bible, from God’s Word. Get it'in tb ÿour h eart. Get it into your life. Get it un til it gets you. Absorb it Until if becomes à p a tt of the web and woof #Fÿ:Ouir '>bëing.’ t ì is not a “Gos-pill” to be tak en occasionally, b u t a “ Go-spell,” — a n d When you get it, as you may and shoUld, you will have a “ spell” of “ go” in ÿbù. I t Will get iiito your limbs and you will go' fo rth glàdi?, joyfully aind teach it. Go anywhere, everywhere,1 only—go ! When m e n ’are ready, you are to bring theni to a public confession of Christ by baptism . This "is‘th é method God has designed for th e confession of His Son. Baptism in th e name of the F ath e r, and of th e Son and of th e Holy Ghost— a confession of faith in th e Holy T rinity. The form by which th is is to be done is in terp reted in various ways, — th e use of w ater by sprinkling, pour­ ing and im idersion, and good people have contended and sometimes fought for tW form , b u t th e Scriptures make most Of th e fact, fàÊË believers in a l l . forms Of baptism à r ë ’ able to live in harmohy and follo\vsh ip. More th an this, 'ihei% are ' many choice saints among those who practice th e various forms, and 'there are some disreputable professors of Òhifìstìanìty among thèm likewise, and th e form does no t sèem to make or b reak 'disciples. There are sème splendid 'foiïowers of th e Lord who do n o t believe in any form of bap- tism , o r"in th e 1dü tw ard ' observance of

who have th e rig h t to be baptized, and those who have the rig h t are those who have th e righteousness of God, by faith in Jésus Christ'.

The W ater Test. A jeweler gives as one of th e su rest tests for diamonds th e “w ater te st.” He sâys, “An im itation diamond is never sO b rillian t aU k genuine stone. If your eye is n o t experi- LESSON enced enough to de- t t . t . t t s t r a t i o n tect th e difference, W. H. P ik e a simple te st is to place th e stone un­ der w ater. The im itation diaihftnd is practically extinguished, while a gen- umè diamotfid sparkles ' even Under

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