King's Business - 1919-07



The L o rd ’s Supper We are in the presence of one' of the sw eetest and saddest scenes in th e clos­ ing days of; our Lord’s life on earth. The shadows of the cross are over Him, the sickening scènes of LESSON the hum iliation await-' EXPOSITION ing Him in th e judg ­ m en t hall of P ilate; th e contemplation of th e ho rro rs of the. gulf which must. 's e p a ra te Him from Ood, a separation so aw ful as to Cause th e heartb reak ing cry of grief, “ Why h ast thou forsaken m e?” the coming, separation from th e beloved apostles,, for whom He had formed an attachm ent so strong th a t in contemplation of sep­ aration He longed for th e expression of hum an sympathy and love which they alone could give Him, and w ith an intense longing th a t He;' should never be forgotten of them . Could th ere be any more definite proof of th e perfect hum an ity of our Lord and any strong er evidence of His Deity th a n th a t which finds expression in the strange scene a t th e la st supper? F aith fu l as a Jew to th e last, He fulfills all th e regulations, as He did a t His baptism in Jo rdan , by observ­ ing the Passover F east provided by His F a th e r as a testim ony to th e Jews of His love and power in delivering them from the Egyptians th rough th e shed­ ding of the blood of th e paschal Lamb. And th is example of our Lord in ta rry ­ ing a t the last moment to set an exam­ ple of loyalty to God’s command should not fail to impress us as we study th e lesson. T h e Design of th e Load’s Supper. It was evidently th e purpose of th e Lord to afford a basis of; fellowship for believers grounded on g reat tru th s. The two ordinances ordained by rour Lord are baptism and the Lord’s Supper. In one we have th e introduction into the church by a public confession of Christ as Saviour and Lord. Jesu s , H imself made His public confession i n :thè same way. This occurs but? once, a once for

all ordinance, as ohr salvation is a once ■ for all salvation. By faith in Him are separated forever from sin. ! This ordinance is ju st the oppositeJ—- it is w ithout lim it. : JesUs H im self g athered w ith His own a t the table, bu t He is present whenever His people m eet:to remember Him. (Matt. 18 :20 ). I t is significant th a t th is ordinance, a l ­ though recorded in th ree of th e Gos­ pels, was given to P au l by special revel­ ation. (1 Cor. I T :23-25.) There are seven aspects of it well worth rem em bering—; 1. “ A Recognition o f H is Authority» This is no service ordered by th e church. It is a command of o u t Lord and Master.. “Do th is” is a: command and should be obeyed as readily as Ser­ vants obey th e ir masters; (Luke If;8). It is also a request or an appeal: “Do th is for me— for my sake.” G ratitude should move us. While it is a com­ mand it is inform al. There is no tim e; specified, no place appointed, no form provided. This of itself should compel: our m editation. Why is this? The table is set and is of itself a testim ony to our obedience to His desire and an acknow ledgment of His rig h t to com­ mand us. “ Obedience is b etter than sacrifice.” 2. I t Is a D eclaration of Faith» We show a t the table which side we are on in the world conflict between th e forces of God and the Devil. This is the simplest and th e most significant of any possible act by which we cah confess our faith in th e crucified and risen Christ. In th e body we have His hum anity. In the blood we have His. sacrifice, and in the prom ise of His coming we have His Deity. (Rom. 4:25; John 14 :3 ). Here we confess also our absolute dependence upon Him, We can do nothing w ithout Him. (Col. 3:3, 4). 3. I t Is a Holy Act. In th is ceremony we are rem inded of the benefits conferred upon us by Jesus; Christ. By H is sacrifice we have been

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