King's Business - 1919-07



looking forw ard to th e gathering. We are never to be engaged w ith though ts of ourselves, of our w ealth or our pov­ erty, nor our sins,— only th in k of Him, — how condescending, how patient, how faith fu l, how strong, how self-sacri­ ficing. W hat a holy life He lived! W hat heavy burdens He bore! W hat m iracles He w rought! W hat height and depth and length and b read th th ere is in His love! We th in k only of Him, th e Man of God, th e God man, th e one altog ether lovely and th e chief of ten thousand. 7. I t Is a P redictive F east. Here is prophecy! He lived, He loved, He died, He rose, He lives, He is coming again. “T ill He come”— the feast to end. “Whom having no t seen we love,”— b u t whom we are to see face to face. Marvelous tru th ! wonder­ ful revelation! He, th e C reator of all things, th e Ruler of th e universe; He who holds th e world as a dry leaf in His hands,— He is coming. Every tim e we g ath er a t th e table we are rem inded of H is prom ise. The cup is th e new covenant, a blood covenant. He can­ no t fail us. H e looks forw ard to it; We look forw ard to it. He can never be satisfied un til He has us w ith Him­ self forever, and we will never be satis­ fied u n til we are w ith Him. We shall be satisfied when we awake in H is like­ ness. Is it a th ing to be wondered at th a t our h ea rts go out in longing as we say,— “ Come, Lord Jesus, come quickly. Amen.”— T. C. H. Perhaps th e re is no one th ing con­ nected w ith our church life so vaguely understood or appreciated as the Lord’s Supper. W ith many it is a meaningless form , participated in HEART OF because it is a custom, TTTE LESSON or an ordinance of the T. C. H o rton church. People have w rong conceptions con-

delivered from th e slavery of sin into th e freedom of heirs, made children of God and members of H is family. (Rom. 8.: 16, 17; Col. 1 :1 3 ; 1 Jno. 3 :1 -3 ). 4. I t Is a Typical Act. The Lord Jesus Christ is th e source of our life. (Jno. 1 :4 ). He said, “ I am th e bread of life; he th a t cometh to Me shall never hunger, and he th a t believeth on Me shall never th irs t.” (Jno. 6 :3 5 ). And again, “ I am the living bread which came down from heaven; if any man ea t of th is bread he shall live forever.” (Jno. 6 :5 1 ). He is o u r sp iritu al food. We ea t H is flesh and d rin k H is blood. Food sustains ou r n a tu ra l bodies. Feeding upon Him gives sp iritu al life. We can have no soul food a p a rt from Him. “ Except ye ea t th e flesh of th e Son of man and d rink His blood ye have no life in you.” (Jno. 6 :5 3 ). As we tak e bread and assim ilate it, so from th e hand of our gracious F a th e r we receive Christ, His Son. By feeding upon Him we grow in grace and knowledge—we grow into Him. 5. I t Is a F am ily F east. A seat a t th e tab le belongs to every tru e child of God— it is a common h eri­ tage. H ere is one place w here there are no distinctions. Here th e re is per­ fect equality. Here we are one in Him. (Jno. 1 7 :2 1 ). There is no b ro th er­ hood like , th is; each having th e same life, each having th e same righ t, each equally dependent upon the same blessed Lord, all washed in th e same blood. (1 Jno. 1 :7 ). It is a feast not a funeral. H ere we m ingle our h earts in th e sw eetest fellowship, we sing praise unto Him who h a th washed us from our sins in H is own blood.” (Phil. 4 :4 ). 6. I t Is a n Expression of Love. “ In remembrance of H im .” This is th e h e a rt of th e ordinance,—Himself. A memorial of H is life; lived so won- drously, so lovingly, so graciously, so unselfishly; lived fo r us, lived for others. He is always present, always

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