King's Business - 1919-07

THE K I N G ’S BUS I NES S Je su s took bread. This m arked th e end of th e Mosaic dispensation. The Passover had fulfilled its purpose as the Paschal Lamb to which it pointed was to be slain the COMMENTS FROM next day.—‘Gray. MANY SOURCES This is my body. K eith L . B rooks Does it mean th a t as Jesus blessed th e bread it became H is actual physical body, or does it mean th a t bread represents His body and ju st as you tak e th e bread and it becomes a p a rt of you so we p artak e of H im and He becomes a p a rt of us? (See 1 Cor. . 10:4, 16; 11 :25 ; Matt. 13:28; Luke 12 :1 ; Jno. 1 0 :7 ; Rev. 10:2,0; Gal. 4 :2 5 ). Romanism teaches th a t by a m iracle worked by th e p riest th e bread and w ine are changed as to th e ir sub­ stance and converted into th e body and blood tog eth er w ith th e soul and divin­ ity and th e bones and sinews of Christ. When Christ in stitu te d th e sacram ent He took th e bread_ and b rak e it. A re we to suppose th a t He h ad ,tw o bodies in th e upper room, th e one living and th e o th er dead? The theory of tran - sub stan tiation takes th e Rom anist to these impious absurdities.— McDonald. v. 28. This is my blood. No cove­ n a n t could be made w ithou t shedding of blood (Ex. 2 4 :8 ; Heb. 9 :20 ) and no: rem ission of sins w ithou t it.— Comp. Bible. A clear proof, th a t Jesu s re­ garded H is death as an aton ing sacri-. fice fo r th e.sin s .of the world and there-; fo re as alterin g th e relation of th e whole hum an race to God.-—-Dummelow.' If Jesu s was a m ere man an d ho t the Divine Son of God, th is action was the heigh t of presum ption and blasphemy.; Those who in telligen tly p arta k e of th e L o rd ’s supper acknowledge H im as Son of God or else themselves as th e silli­ est of fools.— K. B. v. 29. U ntil th a t day. The supper links ’C alvary w ith th e second advent. •—Meyer. \ ; I 1 Cor. 11:23. Same n ig h t in which h e was betrayed. The words suggest


the aw ful solemnity of th e occasion, thè Close connection w ith th e atoning death and th e con trast between th e sin of the tra ito r and th e invincible love of th e Saviour.-—P arry . Though abou t ’ to receive such an in ju ry from man, He gave th is pledge Of His love to man.— Browne. Received o f th e Lord. The renewal of th e in stitu tio n of th e Lord’s supper by special revelation to P au l enhances its solemnity.— J. F . & B. Took bread. W hat is eaten is called bread though it be a t th e same tim e said to be th e body of th e Lord, a plain argum en t th a t th e Apostle knew no th ­ ing of th e monstrous and absurd doc­ trin e of tran sub stan fiation .-—Henry. v. 24. W hen h e h ad given th ank s. He could give th ank s w ith th e symbol of Calvary’s agony in H is hand.— K. B. H e said, Take, éat. We ea t th e bread to set fo rth o u r'a p p ro p ria tio n to Our­ selves by faith of th e atoning benefits of th e death of Christ and we do it all in rem embrance of Him.— Torrey. It is a feeding of th e soul on Christ th e tru e and living bread from heaven. The soul, no t th e stomach is satisfied a t th is feast.— Evans. This is my body. Im­ plies no t lite ra l presence b u t a vivid realization by faith , of Christ in th e Lord’s supper as a living person, no t a mere ab stract dogma.— Ch. of Eng. P ray er Bk. Rome teaches th a t we take Christ p resen t corporally, , “ u n til He come corporally,” a contradiction in term s.— F ausset. In rem em brance of me. The L o rd 's supper is a memorial of Christ as a g ift and sacrifice, a par­ able of th e tru e note of Christianity-^-’ Christ in us, a prophecy of fu tu re glory — perfect communion w ith Christ.— Richie. I t is a memorial of a departed friend, a prophecy of a retu rn in g friend and a parable of a p resen t friend.— Inglis. This was H is request in th e n ig h t in which He was betrayed. When th e Holy Sp irit came and th e company g athered in fellowship, we read a t once of th e break ing of b read to rem ember H im (Acts 2 :4 6 ). The first th in g in

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