King's Business - 1919-07


660 th e wa$r. ®e talk s w ith them . He is In th e ir' m id s t/''T h e re 1is no in itiation ; nó fees; no dues; no reg alia; no pomp; no’p rid e; no parade; ju s t a h e a rt bond. You cannot und erstand its mystery. A strang er, a poor outcast; a m u rd erer, a h arlo t, black or white, red or yellow, comes into th is fellowship, and imme­ diately th e bond is created, cemented and continues forever. Thé difficulty w ith th e members of th is society is th a t th ey do n o t realize; experience, enjoy; rejoice, and magnify more dnd more th e wonder of th is union which unites them w ith God th e F ath e r, God th e Son and God th e Holy Ghosty and w ith every tru e believer, w hether in ^heaven or on ea rth , in an age-abiding fellowship. This is a ^tie which bridges all space, which has its center in th e h e a rt of God, from which cen ter rad iates a love which passes all hum an understanding. L et us sing now, as we will sing th rough all eter­ n ity “ B lest be th e tie which binds our h ea rts in Christian love.” PRACTICAL POINTS (1 ) Union w ith Christ in su res union w ith all tru e believers. (2 ) The bond, which unites tru e be­ lievers can never be broken. (3 ) T ru e sain ts find th e ir g reatest satisfaction in fellowship w ith each o ther. . ; ( 4 ) Believers a r e one, w ith Christ, and one w ith one a n o th e r.. ; (5 ) “ If we w alk in th e lig h t as He is in th e lig h t, w e : have fellowship one w ith ano th er.” (6 ) “Can two w alk to g e th er except th ey be ag reed ?” y,;.-. ( 7 ) T ru th is th e tie which binds our h earts. (8) This brotherhood o f believers iá ? i.toi blood-bought. : (9 ) ’*' One Lord, one faith , one baptism . (10) Fellowship is th e answer to our • Lord’s prayer, “T h at th ey may be one, a s thou, F a th e r,' a r t in me

and I in thee, th a t th ey may be i one in us.”

“Yea, and our fellowship is w ith th e F a th e r and w ith H is Son Jesus Christ.” 2 Jno. 1 :3 E . V. When A lexander th e G reat was once asked to ru n a race w ith th e common LESSON m u ltitude he an- ILLCSTRATION swered, “Were I not W. H. P ik e th e son of a King, I would no t care w h at company 1 k ep t; b u t being the son of a king I m ust employ myself in such company as is suitable to my b irth and breeding.” We should always rem ember th a t we are children of God and heirs of heaven. An old lady who was a godly Chris­ tia n lived in a little cottage in th e sub­ urbs of th e city. I t was ra th e r a lonely spot and h er friends used to ask her if she was no t afraid to live ou t th e re all alone. “Not afraid a t all for we four get along so well tog ether.” When asked who th e o ther th ree were, she replied, “God, th e F a th e r— God, the Son.—God, th e Holy Ghost live w ith me.” Fellow ship’in Giving. I t is said of Je rry Macauley th a t a fte r h e Was converted he fell back into some òf his old h abits. One day a bank er came to him and said, “ Jerry , how are you getting along ?” Je rry Opened his h e à rt and confessed all. Thè b ank er said, “H ere is my check book all signed, draw on it as you need." This tru ste d g ift so touched Je rry th a t he 1su rrendered all to th è Lord and became a m ighty soul-w inner. Chas. Lamb once took ou t of his pocket a fifty lb. note ($250) and p re­ senting it to a friend, a worthy, honor/ able man, whom he knew to be in need of it, said, “T ake th is and use it. I don’t w an t it and am continually afraid th a t Ì shall lose it. I t is h alf worn ou t nowi. ;' ,ì t will be all gone soon if I

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