King's Business - 1919-07

590 THE K I N G ’S BUS I NES S Now, w hat conception of the Bible will these young people have into whose lives th is poison is injected; and w hat will become of th is country of ours-— should th e Lord ta rry ; and w hat about th e responsibility of p aren ts who uncon­ cernedly are silen t p artn ers to th is offense; and how about th e m inisters who aid and abet these devilish devices to ru in our youth? There is no word from Mr. F iske about th e necessity of a blood atonem ent for sin; nothing about being born from above. U n i v e r s i t y Paganism In an article in “ The Eastern Methodist,” entitled “ University Pagan­ ism” by Rev. L. W. Munhall, occurs the following: “A series of sta rtlin g and irrefu tab le articles have recently appeared in the Sunday School Times, in which th e w riter, speaking from experience, plainly dis­ closes th e infidel and paganish ch aracter of th e teaching in our universities. * * Speaking of th e surprise and shock he received when he came in direct contact w ith th e teaching and atmosphere of th e university, he says: ‘I t was no t so much the conversations of th e stud en ts who would rep eat w ith good-humored glee the clever blasphem ies of one of th e teachers in commenting on th e Garden of Eden and o ther Bible n arrativ es, though these occasional outcroppings did cut me deep. Nor was it th e bold atheism of some of the philosophy teachers who saw no need of a God. These things I had m et before. I t was the intangible sp iritual force th a t underlay th is new world, which I was finding to be a t every point a t enm ity against th e world where I had been living for five years. * * * There was no t so much noticeable an active opposition to th e revelation of the Bible, as th e calm assurance th a t th e question was settled .’ University professors make th e ir polite bow to the Lord Jesus Christ, and profess to adm ire Him and recognize Him as one of the world’s g reat teachers. But most university pro­ fessors, and certainly th e very large percentage of those w ith th e g reatest mould­ ing influence in the classroom, tram p le under foot w ith quiet, perhaps uncon­ scious scorn, or w ith outspoken, coarse ridicule, th e fundam ental verities of the C h iistian faith. They do no t deign to argue ag ain st such ideas as th e fall of man, or atonem ent th rough th e blood, or th e inspiration of th e Bible or th e Koran! The argum en t is all over. These things are interesting, as relics of m atters th a t our fo refathers really considered serious and v ital.” A N D the Church Sign: To one who has been a close observer of church life for fo rty years and more, th is subject is of supreme in terest. The change of a ttitu d e of th e church toward th e world has resu lted in a rem ark ab le change of a ttitu d e of th e world tow ard th e church. As th e church has softened down its message, trimm ed its garm ents and pussy-footed among men, th e world has tu rn ed a cold shoulder tow ards the church, and has no t favored its efforts to be chummy w ith it and im itate its life. As long as th e church m aintained its dignity as the representative of Jehovah, it was respected even by its enem ies; b u t when it sought to compete w ith th e world and provide literary en tertainm en ts and semi-worldly amusements, th e world has resented its efforts and laughed a t its silly pretensions. I t is humorous, yet hum iliating, to see th e Church of God fo rgetting its call and commission and ignoring th e command of its Lord and Master to preach th e Gospel and to te ll the story of God’s sacrificial offering for sin,— dishing out literary diffusions, dabbling

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