King's Business - 1919-07



your poverty and He will supply yours according to His riches.” Henry. “A ll” is literally “ every need of yours.” I t tak es in every need of spirit, soul and body b u t p rim arily tem poral needs.— Torrey. If faith in God can give us etern al life, why no t our morning meal? — T rum bull. This is th e la st of seven th ing s the believer is said in th is chap­ te r to have th rough Jesus Christ: one, privilege of prayer to help us (v. 6), two, peace to keep us (v. 7 ), three, presence to accompany us (v. 9 ), four, p attern before us (v. 8), five, policy to calm us (v. 9 ), six, power to strengthen us (v. 13), seven, prom ise to provide (v. 1 9 ).— Sum. Bible. H is riches in glory by Christ Jesus. By is lite r­ ally “ in .” By v irtu e of our being “ in Christ Jesus,’’- th is gives us a pledge of all sp iritu al blessings.— J. F. & B. There can be no failu re if Christ is in th e firm.— Sel. No checks on the bank of grace will be. protested for lack of funds.— Inglis. Cast thyself oh Him for th e supply of every need. T hink of H is supply in con trast jvith your need, your poverty in hum iliation w ith His riches in glory, your little w ants w ith His g reat ' riches.-—Pierson. God’s m easure is His riches in glory, and His channel is Jesus Christ. Meyer. Loving Jesus and One Another. Acts 12:1-17. Memory Verse: “A new command­ m ent I give unto you, th a t ye love one ano th er. J ohn 13:34. Approach: (B ring to class a little bunch of light, dry tw igs or some tooth­ picks, some matches and an old tin pan on which to lay th e twigs when bu rn ­ ing.) O h c o l d , ftOMABY AND chilly days in the BEGINNERS w inter tim e how do Mabel L. Merrill, we keep warm in our homes? By making a fire in th e stove or furnace.

v. 12. I know how to be abased. L iterally “ to be low in resources and com forts.” The word Is used in classi­ cal Greek of a river runnin'g low.— Cam. Bible. I ana in stru c ted bo th to be fu ll and to be hungry. L iterally, “ I have been in itiated .” “ 1 have learned th e secret” (R. V .).— Cam. Bible. “ In itia ted ,” “ in a secret teaching,” which is a mystery unknown to the world.— J. F . & B. v. 13, I can do all things. “Can’t ’ should be pronounced “won’t.” To say “ I cannot” is saying “He cannot.”— Clibbor.n. No suffering can be laid upon us th a t we cannot bear and no duty th a t we cannot perform . This streng th is no t in ourselves b u t in Christ (Jno. 15:4, 5; 2 Cor. 9 :8 ; 12:9, 10).— Tor- rey. More exactly, “ I have streng th for all things, w hether to do or b ear.” “All th ing s” are th e “ all th ing s” w ith which he has to do as th e will of God brings them to him , not a boundless field of possibilities.—Moule. “ I am equal to everything in Him who enables me (6f. 2 Cor. 12:9, 10; Eph. 3 :20 ; Col. 1:29).-—Ramsay. Through C h rist which streng th en eth me. Sub tract self and a d d Him.— Sel. " A cipher w ith a one before it makes ten.— Inglis. S trength to be abased or abound, to be full or to be hungry, flows from and is supplied by our fellowship w ith Christ as it is m aintained by faith in a close walk w ith Him.— Gaebelein If our works here ever smell sweet to God, they must be done for Christ and in a very pro­ found and rea l sense done by Him.— Maclaren. The best attested reading, “ in Him who enableth me.”— Cam. Bible. v. 19. My God shall supply all your needs. Let nothing overcome th e clear vision th a t if any seem ing need is left by God unfilled, it is n o t an indispens­ able need.— Maclaren. As it were, P aul draw s a bill upon th e exchequer in heaven and leaves it to make amends for th e kindness they had shown him. “You supplied my needs according to

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