King's Business - 1919-07



This morning we are going to build a little fire rig h t here in th is pan. Here is one little stick which we will ligh t w ith a match. T h at did not m ake much ligh t or heat, I wonder w hat th e trouble •was w ith my fire? O, I did no t have enough sticks. All rig h t we will try again, and we will ligh t ano th er stick and then p u t some more on top of th a t lighted one, and then some more. (Keep pu tting on un til all are burn ing .) Now it makes quite a b righ t ligh t and you can feel th e heat. The little stick w ith­ ou t the match could no t give any light or heat, could it? Jto it had to be lighted w ith th e match. Then when it burned all by itself it made a little ligh t and a little fire, bu t when a num ­ ber of the little sticks got tog ether they could make a good ligh t and a warm Are. These little sticks and match and fire are going to help us in ou r story for today. P rayer. Ijesson Story: We are going to hear about a man by the name of P eter, who was one of Je su s’ disciples when Jesus was down here on earth . Some of you have heard about P eter before, and before he m et Jesus he was a very dif­ feren t man, and you and I would not

have though t very much of Peter. He was like the little stick, it could not give any ligh t or h eat un til the match lighted it, and so P eter was a wicked man and spoke very roughly, bu t one day he was brought to Jesu s by his brother, and then Jesu s’ love came into his h eart, and th en th is new ligh t and love of Jesu s began to shine out in P e te r’s life, because he had gotten the ligh t from Jesu s ju s t like the little stick got its ligh t from th e match. P ete r was so happy because Jesu s’ love was in his h eart, and he loved Jesus so much h e ju s t talked abou t Jesus to all his friends and all th e people he met everywhere he went, telling them what a wonderful person Jesus was, and after Jesus went back to His home in heaven P eter became a g reat preacher and brought lots and lots of people to know Jesu s and love Him. You know when we love Jesus w ith all our h eart, it makes us love each other, and when we love each o ther we w ant to help each o th er all we can. J u s t like the little stick th is m orning when it was lighted w ith the match, it gave lig h t and w arm th to all th e o ther sticks th a t touched it, and when they were all



1. 5 i n c q r i t y 2,. P

7 G ra ti tu d e 8. T r u s t fui “?• H o s p ita b le i O . H u m b l e ^ ■ M e e K n e s s W S elJ -co rv tro l

>ve y e one a n o th e r ‘ John 13:3V. 3 S-.

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