King's Business - 1919-07

T H E F AR H O R I Z O N A Glance at tke. Field at Home and Abroad

they too worship th e ir heavenly F ath e r in peace and com fort, and th a t H is king­ dom may come, and th a t K orea may again enjoy the freedom it possessed before the annexation. HOME MISSIONS The late Theodore Roosevelt once said, speaking of his to u r among the Indian R eservations while he was civil service commissioner: “ I spent twice th e tim e out here I intended to, because I became interested, and traveled all over th e reservations to see w hat was being done, especially by th e mission­ aries. Fo r it needed no tim e a t all to see th a t th e g reat factors in uplift­ ing the Indian were th e men who were teaching him to become a Christian citizen. When I came back I wished it had been in my power to convey my experience to those people, often well meaning people, who speak of th e in­ efficiency of missions. I th in k if they could realize a ten th p a rt of the work not only being done, b u t th a t has been done out there, they would realize th a t no more practical work, or more pro­ ductive of fru it for civilization, could be named th a n th e work carried on by th e men and women who give th e ir lives to preaching the Gospel of Christ to m ankind.” W hat can you do? Give these noble men and women your sup­ port. SOUTH AMERICA A m issionary w rites: “D uring twen­ ty-five years of m issionary labo r in South America I have seen th e Gospel make th e Lengua Indians stop killing th e ir children; stop burying th e ir babies alive; stop killing th e ir old peo­ ple. I saw Christian civilization in th e tru e st sense tak ing th e place of b arb ar­ ism. Decent homes, w ith beds, chairs,

K O R E A A le tte r from th e Korean Church Council says: The Japanese In Korea have been persecuting C hristians very severely ever since th e annexation of K orea to Jap an and they are d eter­ mined to exterm inate the Christian work in Korea. There is ample evi­ dence fo r th is statem en t. In th e recent Independence Movement in Korea, Christians quite n atu ra lly have partici­ pated, and th e Japanese soldiers tre a t them most cruelly and barbarously, much as th e Armenians have been trea ted by the T u rk s and th e Belgians by th e Germans. Japanese have already arrested a large number of Koreans (one rep o rt says 40,000 have been arrested and are in Japanese prisons.) Christian leaders, Theological students and C h ristian s have become victims of th e barbarou s Japanese soldiers and policemen. They drag Christians into th e streets, and dem onstrate th e ir b ar­ barity by to rtu rin g , sometimes even tying wooden crosses upon them , and flaying, “ as your fath e r (Jesu s) bore th e cross, you shall bear th e cross also.” Sto one instance a girl who participated til. th e Korean Independence dem on stra­ tion was ‘holding a manifesto in one hand , when a Japanese soldier cu t off th e hand w ith his- sword. She raised th e o ther hand and it was also cu t off. Such cruelty is happening all over the ¡country. The people have no arm s Avhatever and they do no t resist or fight again st th e Japanese soldiers, b u t help­ less men, women and children are shot ¡down or stabbed w ithou t mercy. W ill you no t th erefo re kindly pray for p u r Christians in th e sp irit of Chris­ tia n B rotherhood, th a t these trying days may speedily pass by and th a t the Korean Christians may be spared, and

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