King's Business - 1919-07



PRESENT DAY LAWLESSNESS In an English publication, “The Morning S tar” appears a tim ely article by Mr. Phillip Mauro, p a rt of which follow s: I T m ust be evident to all who pay close atten tion to th e sp iritual conditions of our day, th a t th ere 1 1 __ll ig being made a t th is tim e a very determ ined and w idespread effort to set aside en tirely th e au th o rity of th e Bible. To estab lish and to m ake universal th e principles of p u re democracy is th e object, w h eth er consciously o r uncon­ sciously, of th e g rea t thought-move­ m ents of o u r e ra ; and th e essence and m arrow of democracy is th e supreme au th o rity of Man. Hence th e conflict w ith th e Bible. Not only is th e Bible, w ith its per­ em ptory assertion of supremacy and control over mankind, directly counter to th e democratic movement, b u t it is now the only real obstacle to th e com­ plete independence of hum anity. If only th e au th o rity of .S crip tu re be got­ ten rid of, m ankind will have attained th e long-coveted sta te of absolute inde­ pendence, which is equivalent to u tte r lawlessness. The sta te of ideal democracy would be accurately described as “ lawless­ ness,” since it is m anifest th a t an indi­ vidual or a society which is under no re stra in t except such as is self-imposed, is really und er no re stra in t a t all. To a tta in th is ideal sta te is th e end and purpose of p resen t day movements; and, in order to promote these movements, th a t m ighty sp iritu al Intelligence who is designated “ th e sp irit th a t now w orketh in th e children of disobedi­ ence” (Eph. 2:2) very wisely, and w ith consummate subtlety, directs th e attack, from many different qu arters, against th e au tho rity of th e Bible. The g reat mass of men, including the m ajo rity of th e leaders of th e age, are already completely absorbed in the activities of th e world and u tterly indif-

organize a school for poor, boys. After- two attem p ts had failed, a th ird made und er th e leadership o f Mr. S. S. Zung proved a notable success. The teachers are volunteers, th e course includes reading and w riting Chinese characters, arithm etic and th e use of th e abacus, spoken English, play, Bible class, reli­ gious meeting and weekly socials. In two years th e school h as grown from 30 to 130 boys, who are a g ratefu l and loyal group. BURMA A Kachin Christian is pleased when a heath en becomes a Christian, b u t it does not occur to him to make any effort to bring about such a resu lt. And as for m aking any sacrifice for such an end, or contributing, th a t is no busi­ ness of h is; th a t is th e work of th e m issionary and the paid evangelists. T h at is th e in e rtia th a t has to he over­ come. B u t foundation work is begin­ ning to show resu lts. L ast y ear a society was organized w ith th e aim of sending Christian young men into new localities du ring vacation to open small schools teaching th e children by day and preaching by night. Many villages have pled for schools and th e volunteer teachers are fu ll of enthusiasm over th e ir work, asking to be allowed to continue th is year. INDIA Sam H igginbottom , well-known mis­ sionary to India, says, in a le tte r to Rev. S tanley A. H unter, of P ittsb u rg h : “The influenza has been fearful. H undreds of bodies daily are floating in th e river. No official figures have yet been pub­ lished for India as a whole, b u t in vil­ lages in Gwalior S tate th a t are under my charge th e d eath ra te during Octo­ ber and November was from 20 to 60 per cent. I believe a conservative esti­ m ate for th e whole of In d ia would be 10 per cent, which means thirty-tw o m illions." Had it not been for the war which Germany forced on th e world it would have been possible to rescue India largely from th is plague.

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