King's Business - 1919-07

Helps for c‘Evangelistic *. ^leetin^s “T ru th in a N u t Shell.” m illion.) For enquirer and convert. 16 pp. 2c ea., 15c per doz., $1.00 per 100. “T he W ord for th e W ork. (250,000.) To tip in Bible: 30 subjects. 2c ea., 25c per doz., $1.00 per 100. T ru th for and Seeker.” Personal w ork m ade easy. 128 pp. 15c paper, 25c cloth, 35c leather. F irst Steps W ith C hrist.” By A enry O strom , for converts. Forew ord by D r. Chapm an. 10c paper, 25c cloth. "W in n in g Souls.” The T hird Person. 15c ea., paper; 25c cloth. A study of th e H oly Spirit. “The Gospel of John.” (M arked in red.) To stim ulate reading th e Bible. 5c ea-’f 50S5 P doz. A sam ple of each of th ese sen t for 25c. EV AN G ELICA L PU B . CO., L A K E SID E BLDG., o u r r A P .n Tires at Wholesale Prices Not Seconds— Fully Guaranteoi

“ L O R D , M A K E I T R I G H T !” Being perplexed, I say, Lord, m ake it righ t! N ight is as day to Thee, D arkness as light. I am a ira id to touch Things th a t involve so much; My trem bling hand may shake, My skilless hand may b reak ; Thine can make no m istake. Being in doubt, I say, Lord, make it plain! Which is th e tru e, safe way? Which would be vain? Nor su re of foot to go ;’ My blind eyes cannot see W hat is so clear to Thee. Lord, make it clear to me. A Very Special Treat for King’s Business Subscribers We have lately succeeded in ob­ taining a limited number of A. T. Pierson’s famous book “IN CHRIST JESUS” now out of print except for these copies. When we reprint, it will cost at least $1.00, possibly more, but while these copies last we will sell at 70 Cents, Postpaid Order early—Only a few copies. BIOLA BOOK ROOM Bible In stitu te of Los A ngeles . , Som ething new. 150 g reat hym ns. Religious and p atriotic. Sample 5c. M anila cover. $8.00 per 100: lim p cloth, $10.00, post extra. TH E EV AN G ELICA L PUB .CO., 700 Lakeside Bldg., Chicago. USE EMBOSSED STA T ION ERY In Your Correspondence Emboss it as you use it. Handsome, refined initial, name, monogram, or emblem. fcasy, simple» inexpensvie. Send for sample impres- *,0ns' O. Y . M ICHEL, Central P . O. Box 624, St. Louis, Mo. —Unidentified. 536-558 So. Hope Street Los Angeles, California Ijg B A T T L E H Y M N S OF TH E CHURCH (War Measure Book)

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I W h a t Is It? The PAPER For EVERY CHRISTIAN HOME THE ! EVANGELICAL I CH R IST IAN ! AND M ISSIONARY W ITN ESS Vn In te r d e n o m in a tio n a l M o n th ly , c o m b in ­ in g a ll th e b e st fe a tu r e s o f a r e lig io u s m a g a z in e . L V. BINGHAM , E ditor $L25 a Y ear PUBLISHES the B est th o u g h ts of th e B est m en in all th e C hurches. , . PROCLAIMS the E ssential T ru th s held m com ­ m on by all C hristians, and contends earn ­ estly for these Fundam entals. PROVIDES th e g ist of th e B est News h o m all the C hurches in th eir w ork of m aking C hrist know n in all lands. fl.2 5 A YEAR ORDER NOW W r i t * f o r S a m ü l e C o p y

EVANGELICAL PUBLISHERS 8 5 8 C o lle g e S t., T o r o n to , C a n .

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