King's Business - 1944-12


1128 Black Building 357 So. Hill Street

A s a l e s m a n . . .

Phone MUtual 5092

Los Angeles 13, Calif.

travels with his Bible Through a home study course . . . this salesman finds time to' learn more of the Bible as he travels about. O f the Great Epochs of Sacred History Course he says . , . “ I so much regret that I did not hear of your course sooner. I have lost much because I did not” No matter where your work takes you, it will prove worthwhile to increase your usefulness by taking one of the 17 Moody home study courses. Write today to Dept. ^ CO R RESPON D EN C E SCHOOL

1945 L et Standard’s 112-page B ible Teacher and Leader help you in your Sunday school teaching in 1945. Magazine section, superin­ tendent’s page, 7 big pages on every week’s Uniform Lesson. Send 25c for sample. The Standard Publishing Co. 8th and Cutter Streets, Cincinnati 3, Ohio


A 36-page song book containing s p e c i a l a rra n g em e n ts f o r women's voices.

y Bible Institute J .153 INSTITUTE PLACE • CHICAGO J

B e a u tifu l melodies; soul-touching w o r d s by such well-known song writers as Love­ less and Bittikofer. Single copies, 50c each, plus 10c for postage and handling. UNIVERSAL PUBLISHING COMPANY 4403 Sheridan Road Chicago 40, Illinois

A Wounded Japanese*

1 / ^ PI PE "TON E U "l*fOLD ING ORGANS . . . the LAS T WORD in substantial, convenient folding organs. Marvelous volume, resonance a n d purity of tone. Tropically treated. Famous over the. world for 35 years. Write for free catalog. A. L. WHITE MFG. CO.

1902 W. Grand Ave., Chicago 22

FOR HIM ....

BUT he clings tenaciously to his New Testament/ Many prisoners of war place a similar value on God’s Word! Never in its 125 years of service has the American Bible Society done a more Christ-like service than in supplying the scriptures to prisoners of war, whether wounded or physically fit. More than 440,000 volumes, in 39 lan­ guages, have already been distributed, and the cry comes for more. Send your contribution today. Or if you would like the facts of how you can help this great work, and receive a good income for yourself or a friend at the same time, send for the booklet "A Gift That Lives” which tells of a plan that has helped thou­ sands to gratify a lifelong ambition to do good for mankind, while receiving a "double profit” for themselves. URGENT! MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY! □ Please send me, without obligation, your booklet 'KB-5Z entitled “A Gift That Lives!* Q I enclose $........... to provide Testaments for prisoners of war. Name. Denomination. American Bible Society, Bible House, New York 22, N.Y.

and many oilte^A like, him . . . no Christmas furlough this year! You'd like to make his Christmas cheerier, his future more purposeful— let us suggest:

Sending THE KING’S BUSINESS— filled with stirring messages with a challenge — to our service camps through­ out the country. Special rate: $1 pays for twelve months (usual price $1.50)

You may use this gift of $---------- to pay for subscriptions to your magazine for our military camps. NAME ........................................................ I .......... . STREET CITY S T A T E THE KING’S BUSINESS 558 So. Hope St. Los Angeles 13, Calif. 1

■ Addrea*.^,.., ...... ........................,... t City ...........----------------—

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