King's Business - 1944-12

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


Jesus Teaches about God's Care M a t t h e w 6:25-34 MEMORY VERSE: “The earth is full of the goodness of the Lord” (Psa. 33:5). A I M : To show that the Lord’s children, who love Him as their very own Saviour, need not worry about anything. APPROACH: Sometimes boys and girls fuss about things—things to eat

Teach the Young by the Flam ielgraph Method

Object Lesson M e a su r in g M e n

or to wear or to do. O l d e r people sometimes do the same thing, "and we call that wor­ rying. The Lord Jesus d o e s n o t want His people to worry about any­ thing, because He is taking care of

* BIBLE LESSON STORIES 25c each T b l CItfutlinSoldier ThereWas A CrookedMan Birth ofJesus ResurrectionofJesus Humpty Dumpty Tha Two Way. ¡Stead, Tsieof Two Otic. The Second Coming of Christ $1,00 eachVolume lift ofChrist« Volume 1 and Volume 2 Creadon andOld TestamentStories«Volumes 1.2,3 Bible Verses Visualized Bible Songs Visualized Animated Life ofJesus, 50c. With Map, £2.50 Flannelboards, $(3.00 up. Background Ma­ terial,$ 2.25up.W rite fo r complete catalog. America’« Largest FlannelgraphHaute r ChristianPublications« Inc« 1507 N. Third St. Harrisburg, Pa. BARGAIN INMUSIC "SONGS OF GRACE NO. 1" 64 Solos, I>uets, Trios, Quartettes, Choruses, and other Specials "SONGS OF GRACE NO, 2" 75 Solos, Duets, Choruses, and other Specials, 30c each, 2 for 50c, 4 for $1.00. GORDON E. HOOKER 858 So. Hope St. Los Angeles 13, Calif. A Whole Year for $1.00 THE ILLUSTRATOR makes Sunday-school teaching a pleasure! Write for Free Samples and Special Introductory Prices for Sunday Schools T H E ILLUSTRATOR, Myerstown, Pa. Our missionaries to the Russians in South America have opened a new Prayer Hall and need a small organ to help in the singing. Will you help us to get one for them as a Christmas gift? They also need Russian Bibles and tracts. We also want to make Christmas brighter in the homes of our missionaries working among Russians in other lands, but especially we want to cheer up the saijits-in-need, as the widow of one of our workers left alone with, six children, and others. Be generous with your love, and your own heart will be full of joy. Send your cheerful gifts for the above needs to the Russian Missionary Society Ine. 1844 W . Monroe St., Room 2, Chicago 12, 111. Ia Canada: 106 Winnett Are., Toronto 10, Ont. BBV. F . J. JULES, International Secretary. Writer for a copy of “ The Friend of Russians'* A SMALL ORGAN FOR MEETINGS

OBJECTS: A Yardstick, a red card­ board cross one y a r d high, two pictures of men cut from a catalogue, a church letter, a baptismal certifi­ cate, a dictionary, and a piece of paper on which is printed, “GOD’S PERFECT STANDARD.” LESSON: For what are yardsticks used? “To measure things and be sure you are right.” Did you know that God m easu res people? We will lean this yardstick against the wall, and thumbtack “GOD’S PERFECT STANDARD” above it. Now we will place these two men at the foot of the yardstick and see whether they can reach “GOD’S PER­ FECT STANDARD.” They do not come anywhere near it. We will let them stand on a dictionary,-reminding us of learning, but they cannot reaeh God’s standard. We will put this baptismal certificate on the dictionary. The standard is still not reached. To these we will add a church letter, only to' find that God’s standard has not been met. Learning, baptism, and church mem­ bership are commendable in their proper place, but they never can save us, and cause us to reach "GOD’S PERFECT STANDARD.’* The Sermon on the Mount was given to show God’s perfect standard for man, but no one has ever been able to reach that standard apart from Christ. We will' place this large cross, rep­ resenting Christ, in front of the yard-’ stick. It - reaches “GOD’S PERFECT STANDARD.” Christ is the only man who ever measured up to the perfect standard of God. Inasmuch as Christ has reached this standard, He desires, by His death, to lift others to that standard. [Place the men in a pocket behind the cross and near to the top, so that they will reach the .top.] Now that these men have accepted Christ as their Saviour, they are lifted in Christ to where they reach “GOD’S PERFECT STANDARD-” We are only, able to live up to the Sermon on the Mount, as we are made hew creatures in Christ, and by His grace, are able to do the will of God-

them and there is nothing to worry about When He was here on earth He talked about that LESSON STORY: Probably the Lord Jesus and His followers were out of doors when He gave them this lesson. Perhaps they were sitting on the grass in a shady place as they listened to Him speak. Looking up into the blue sky above them, He said something like this: “ See the birds? They do not worry about where their breakfast is coming from. ‘They sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?’ (v. 26). See how beautiful God has made them.” Perhaps He reached down and picked a blade of grass and said: “ See this grass? It is healthy and good. God made it that way.” The people who listened to Jesus should have k n o w n that if the heavenly Father would take such good care of the birds and of the flowers and of the grass, He would take even better care of the people on earth whom He loved so much. * But maybe one of them said of Him: “But Jesus, how can we keep from worrying about what we’ll eat and where we’ll live, and what clothes we’ll have.” The Lord Jesus had an answer. It is a secret, but He wants us to know i t He said: “Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you” (v. 33). He meant: Whenever you are going to fuss about anything, think about the Lord Jesus first, and about His care for you—and right away, there: won’t be anything to worry about!

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