King's Business - 1944-12

X : December, 1944


that the Lord.will give you strength and courage and wisdom to stand! Conclusion Whether we are in the armed forces, in defense plants, in school, or behind office desks, let us serve the Lord Christ in the power of His Spirit! H E A-Q Q U A R T E R S CHOIR GOWNS PULPIT ROBES VMtmMts * Hangings • Stele* embroideries« Etc. NEW CATALOG on Request N;ATI.QNAl CHURCH ,G-OODSi ^ SUPPLY CO.. , . ; -*v •v Division of. a *-',. •NATIONAL ACADEM IC C A P ' i vG.Q.WN C 6 582IV23 AR.CH.iST'1 . >PH1LADEL^HIA '7, Choice diction ... AS GIFTS... | Visibility Zero j By Bernard Palmer =

2. The sin, recognized and repented of, is burned away (vs. 6, 7). Faith alone will not bring' cleansing. It must be accompanied by repentance, and to repent means to turn- com: pletely away from one’s sins. To thus »confess is to be forgiven. 3. The purged spirit is ready for service (v. 8). The submission of will to, the delight in being the in­ strument of His divine purpose, and the desire that ears and eyes be trained on Him to catch the faintest indication of guidance—these are the proofs that lips and hearts have been cleansed. II. YOUTH SERVES! WHY? A great deal that is practical even to the eyes and the hearts of young people is contained in the Epistle.of James. The gist of James’ message in the secdnd chapter is, “ Faith:with­ out works is dead.” Thus we have the constraining cause: youth must serve. In the eyes of a pagan world, a saved young person w ill not be genuine un­ less his life gives evidence of the fact that he has something the world needs. Let us be careful to consider aright this question of works. It'does not in any way affect our gift of salva­ tion. Salvation is not the effect of our works, but our works are the evidence of our salvation received by faith through grace. ill. YOUTH SERVES! WHERE? The prophet Isaiah said, “Here am I; send me." A young person who has been saved and recognizes the need for service is ready to be sent. He need not wait until he is older and has completed a period of training before he may be used of .the Lord. The responsibility of young people to­ day is to serve in the places where they are. This field promises rich possibilities, as well as many diffi­ culties to be overcome. Following the Lord day by day, a young person may be led finally to the “ uttermost part of the earth.” 4 1. There is a desperate need for faithful witnessing young people in our schools today. Are you strong enough to meet this challenge? 2. Unfortunately, many young peo­ ple who receive Christ in conferences or Bible clubs are faced w ith . the sometimes heartbreaking task-of liv ­ ing against the opposition of unsaved parents. Are you strong enough to ,stand in that position? : 3. Ironically, one of the most diffi­ cult' tests in which young people may find themselves is that of being true to Christ amid the ridicule of modernistic, nominal Christians. Pray

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