King's Business - 1944-12


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES NOVEMBER 25, 1944 No one will ever forget t h e Synthesis classes at Biola, and the rich blessings they brought into our lives. Here is the. mes­ sage of John A. Hubbard, be­ loved teacher: “It is a real joy to extend this word of greeting to you. It is done in the name of Him who ‘came into the world to save sin­ ners,’ who now appears ‘in the presence of God for us,’ and who is to ‘appear the second time’ to complete the wonderful salva­ tion of which, by His grace, we have become partakers. “Of late the words of Isaiah 2:11, 17 have been coming to my mind very often: ‘The lofty looks of man shall be humbled, and the haughtiness of men shall be bowed down: AND THE LORD ALONE SHALL BE EXALTED IN THAT DAY.’ May that glad day be hastened! In the meantime, may He alone be exalted in your lives and in your service. For this I shall continue to pray, for you are often in my pray­ ers.” From Herbert G. Tovey, direc­ tor of music, comes this word: “It is well to pause in t h e midst of the demands of every­ day living to meditate upon the blessings of the unity ,of Chris­ tian fellowship as it exits in our immediate surroundings an d throughout the Biola family in all parts of the world. This irre­ sistible tie of Christian love shown in the heart of God is an inheritance prized indeed. “With this issue of TH E K I N G ’S BUSINESS comes the sound of carols and the expres­ sions of Christmas joy. It is with sincerity of heart that we send our greeting to all near and far in the name of Him who came to this world on the wings of an­ gels’ song, and who caused the world to modulate from the mi­ nor to the major key.” For special announcements of interest to all our Biola Family, turn to page 432.

W. R. Hale, superintendent of men: “Again the time, of year has arrived when we begin to search for our Christmas lists to be sure of the addresses of friends who, though we have not writ­ ten often, have been kept in mind during the entire year. In our office we have wished many times that we could write each one of you personally, but this has been impossible. “ It is with joy that we greet you again through these pages. May this Christmas season lead us all closer to the Christ o f God as we rejoice together and qplebrate His birth. “Former students are remem­ bered at the throne of grace in student devotional meetings. Ac­ cept our hearty greetings and thanks for all remembrances.” /The Lord has put a new song in our hearts, even praise unto Him who gave His all for us. The following thoughts are from one who has helped -us sing with the spirit and with the under­ standing—John B. Trowbridge: “Greetings in the name of our Lord on His birthday! May the season be one of blessing as you meditate on dear old Biola where you learned many lessons, some not from books. There were ‘ups and downs’ : new subjects in the classroom, new problems in hard assignments, adjustment to sur­ roundings, including your room­ mate, Then came spiritual prob­ lems: new angles in Scripture interpretation, consciousness of a greater need for prayer; and when'the Lord led you into new vistas of truth, there came a flood of light.’’

Greetings in the name of our wonderful Lord! This issue of ,THE KING’S BUSINESS is being sent with compliments of the Alumni As­ sociation to all alumni 'members as a spècial Christmas greeting from Biola. God. has been good since last.we met or talked to­ gether, and We praise Him. Our school is out of debt, and in spite of the war, h^s the largest enrollment of its history.. Some 650 young people are enjoying the training and fellowship which we also were privileged to have. God has been |ood to us alum­ ni members, too, and encourag-. ing reports reach us from many quarters, of the globe. We want to hear from you, that we may pray and praise more intelli­ gently. Will you share your joys arid problems With us? We bring you special greet­ ings from four beloved faculty members whose combined years of faithful ministry .at Biola equal almost a century of serv­ ice. First, we have word from

ATTENTION BIOLA ALUMNI You are invited io a MID-YEAR FELLOWSHIP DINNER WHERE—Fishermen's club-room, Bible Institute of Los Angeles, WHEN—Friday, January 19, 1945, 6:30 P. M. , WHY—To honor the four men, whose greetings appear on this page. Each has served approximately a quarter of a century at Biola. Alumni' members unable to attend are invited to write a letter or card to them between now and the time of the meeting. WHAT TO DO—Mail or phone reservations to Helen White, Room 213, 536 S. Hope St„ Los Angeles 13, Calif., not later than Jan­ uary 12. Phone MA. 1641. Price per plate: 75c!

Rejoicing in Him,

Alumni President.

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