King's Business - 1944-12


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

O A V f* U A a Soul Winners “ Acts’* hy r>r. H.. A.Ironside, over 650 pages. Paper covers, only $2; c l o t h binding, $3. Ask for big FTU j IE catalog of “ best In Christian Literature,’ ’ also inform ation' on this 30-year faith work, serving Armed Forces .and others. Outstanding Christian Bookstore on the West Coast. Service prompt. Satisfaction assured. W rite today. WESTERN BOOK & TRACT CO., Inc. Dr. H. A. Ironside, Pres. Dept. KB , 1719 Franklin St., Oakland 12, Calif. ERICK PETERSON FIRST CLASS SHOE REPAIRING Phone VAndike 9483 730 W. Sixth St., Los Angeles 14, Calif. By Great

of faith w ill rise all your life long. With each fresh deliverance we get a new view of God, and an enlargement of soul because He has made a path through the mighty Waters. Not around, but through them, a pathway where His redeemed, can walk by faith.— 'Triumphs of Faith. “ 11.” Like Millionaires “They that trust in the' Lord . , abideth for ever” (Psa. 125(1). As neither, branch nor vine is any­ thing without the other, so is neither anything except for the other. That is, all the vine possesses belongs to the branch, and all the branch pos­ sesses belongs to the vine. Christ has nothing that'is not ours, as born-again

ones. We are heirs and joiht-heirs with Christ. Yet how many of us are living like mendicants when we ought to be living like millionaires! As He is Wholly ours, let us be wholly His, ■—W- P. Nicholson. 12. How to Wiii “Continuing instant in prayer’1(Rom/ 12:12).. The way of victory is to launch, an offensive on our knees and with open Bible to keep in touch with God. It is impossible to win spiritual victories with carnal weapons, i We cannot shake our fists in Satan’s face and get anywhere, but we can meet every spiritual foe with: the Sword: of the Spirit and_be more than. conquerors through Him that loved us. —Grace and Truth. 13. His All-Sufficient Presence “And he said, My presence shall go with thee” (Ex. 33:14). I do not ask that I may walk Only on smoothly trodden grass, Nor ever climb the mountain’s height ■And, trembling, through its dangers pass; I.only ask, on rock or sand, The sure upholding of Thy hand. I dare not pray for any gift Upon .my pilgrim path to heaven; I only ask one thing of Thee— Give Thou Thyself and all is given. I am not strong,, nor brave, nor wise; Be Thou with me—it shall suffice. —Evangelical Christian. 14. Encouraging Others “Every one said to his brother, Be of good courage” (Isa. 41:6). There is so much in life that is disappoihting and unpleasant that it is no wonder people appreciate kind­ ness shown to them. Often we have been amazed to note how little it takes to make a child smile or to cause some discouraged Christian to take new courage. When we realize this, we know how selfish we are when we withhold those little acts, of kindness. May God help us to under­ stand that it is within our power to help others to look up and take cour­ age!—Selected. 15. The Saviour We Need “His name shall be called Wonder* ful, Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace” (Isa. 9:6). Daniel Webster, when someone asked whether he could explain how Christ was both God and man, replied: “No sir! Such is the sense of my sin and my consciousness of my in­ ability to save myself, that I need a superhuman Saviour,” One so great and glorious that I cannot comprehend Him.— Alliance Weekly.

I am a Wheaton College Graduate* While at Wheaton the Lord led me to prepare for the medical mission field. Just now I am an evacuee from China, where I spent seven years. Since I have returned to this country I have been amazed at the contribution Wheaton College is making in all phases of evan­ gelical work. I am convinced that it is Wheaton’s responsibility to enlarge her task of training young people "For Christ and His Kingdom.” Like myself, hundreds of ahtmni are giving sacrificially and praying earnestly for Wheaton College. But we are not enough. We are alarmed at the thought of hundreds of young men who will want to return to Wheaton—who may have to be told that there is no room. Building must begin immediately. We. are won­ dering if you would join us in this opportunity? Won’t you write me a note and permit me to send you the booklet "For Christ and His Kingdom.” ADDRESS DEPT. KP-124 WHEATON COLLEGE WH E A T O N , I L L I N O I S .* P. Kenneth Gieser, M.D., Pres., Altunni Ass’n,

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