King's Business - 1944-12

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IN ARMY AND NAVY CAMPS 1300 framed posters are sent to camps and ships around the world. Each Chaplain gets a new poster to frame every month. A Chaplain in Hawaii writes: “ Fo r sometime I have been posting your cards on the walls of the Chapel as well as the outside bulletin board. When old they are passed on to other Chaplains who ask fo r them, so they are giving their message until literally worn out.” From Alaska, N ew Guinea, India, and even Jeru­ salem Chaplains write asking for Best Seller posters. Hundreds of requests cannot be met. Join us in prayer that the work may be multiplied, more souls find the Lord, and our new venture in sending Russian posters to ships with Russian crews may be blessed. STREETCARS, BUSSES, TRAINS, BILLBOARDS Bible posters preaching in more than 100 cities in the U . S. and Canada. A letter from Vancouver, B. C. says: " . . . positive result from a Best Seller poster in the bus. A man who lived his life making money, unable to sleep without drugs for three months because of financial failures, read the verse ‘Be not deceived: God is not mocked: For whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap“ (G a l. 6 :7 ). Th is struck him forcibly. Before the night was over he had accepted Jesus Christ as his Saviour.” Best Seller Comes to Los Angeles

Best Seller posters are now preaching the gospel in over 700 busses and streetcars in Los Angeles. Th e local committee is praying that Scripture poster placements may be extended to all streetcars, busses, and many billboards in this city and its suburbs. Presenting The Old Gospel in a New Way O ur A im — TO PR E A C H T H E G O S PE L to those w h o n ever open the B ib le and w h o n ever enter a church. D r. H a rry R im m er sa id : “ 1 think Best Seller posters the smartest idea God has given to people in this generation.” D r. H a rry A . Iron side, pastor o f the M oody Church and a m em ber o f the Best Seller P u b licity B oard o f R eferences, sa ys: ‘‘The prophet was told to write the vision, to make it plain upon tables, or tablets. Surely streetcar advertising is a thoroughly up-to-date way to carry out the command when it is the Word of God that is thus put before the people.” A n A rm y A ir fie ld C haplain w rite s : “ This is a very worthy work. We do not have anything like an adequate ministry to reach our men. We are short of Chaplains, therefore Best Seller Publicity is a very efficient way to reach large numbers. May God bless you in your work.” BEST SELLER P U B L I C I T Y Entering Seventh Year of Gospel Service p National Headquarters 189 West Madison Street Chicago 2, Illinois


k Francis Chase, W arner Sallman and Vaughn Shoemaker, Pulitzer Prize Cartoonist, W a lte r Ohlsen, Coleman Anderson, Herb Olsen and Robert Mackay regularly contribute their talent to the production of ar­ resting and soul-winning Best Seller Publicity posters. L et the dedicated work of these able Christian artists help you win the unconverted.

□ I w ill g iv e as the L o rd leads. □ W e need Best S eller posters and b illb o a rd s in ou r city. K in d ly send in form a tion about startin g the w ork. □ K in d ly send m in iatu re posters. (Name) .......................................................................................................................................... (Address) ................................................................................................................................. . . . (City and Stale) ....................................................................................................................... .J, Please mail to BEST SELLER PUBLICITY, Inc., Rolf. C. Jacobsen, Treas. * P. O. Box 3007, Hollywood 28, Calif.


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Best Seller posters are copyrighted

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