King's Business - 1944-12


December, 1944

Current Business LOUIS T. TALBOT, Editor-in-Chief

Bible Reading throughout the Nation A Nationwide Bible Reading Cam­ paign, from Thanksgiving to Christ­ mas, in which millions of American servicemen and women and t h e i r families and great numbers of other Americans will join, is being spon­ sored by the American Bible Society.* Cooperating with the Bible Society aré two national sponsoring commit­ tees composed of leaders in various fields: former President H e r b e r t Hoover, John Foster Dulles, Admiral Ernest J. King, Ambassador John G. Winant, and others. Now as never before men and wom­ en in the armed forces and civilians at home are finding the Bible an in­ spiration and a guide. By a more ex­ tended and simultanéoüs reading of the Word of God by those in the serv­ ice and by loved ones at home, a spir­ itual bond will be created—a price­ less contribution to faith and hope. Through a nationwide poll of pas­ tors and Army and Navy chaplains, Bible passages most helpful, for times like these have .„been chosen. The passages receiving the largest number of votes have been designated one for each of the thirty-three days between Thanksgiving and Christmas:

Thursday ___________ _______ .Psalm 37 Friday ___ L ......... ..... ...............John 1 Saturday .„......... ...........Revelation 22 Sunday, Dec. 2 4 ___ ________ Psalm 90 Christmas, Dec. 2 5 ..... ..............Luke 2 A joint resolution of Congress, des­ ignating this period for Nationwide Bible Reading has been introduced. Its sponsors are Senators Byrd and Capper in the Senate and Representa­ tives McLean and Voorhis in t h e House. A number of state governors have promised to include a paragraph in their Thanksgiving Day Proclama­ tions. Several million printed l i s t s of Scripture passages will be distributed through .chaplains, pastors, and in other ways. Everything possible will be done to make America Bible-con­ scious as it never has been before. W ill you help to this end? Praise God for This Just concluded in Los Angeles are city-wide evangelistic meetings which have left an impress for God upon this whole region. / To the “ big top,” a fireproof tent erected oh a block-square c i r c u s grounds, between 5,000 and 6,000 peo­ ple came night after night in t h e three-weeks’ campaign. The work was directed‘by the Christian B u s i n e s s Men’s Committee whose members had prayed and labored for this project for riiore than a year. In cooperation with many other churches and groups of Christians, the Bible Institute of Los Angeles and the Church of the Open Door were glad to have a part in this endeavor. Grateful observers praised God that the flame of twentieth century revi­ valism kindled through campaigns in the East—particularly in the memor­ able meetings in Philadelphia tw o years ago—-now had spread-to t h i s spiritually needy region on the Pacific coast God’s messenger w a s the warm­ hearted, zealous Jewish Christian, Ny­ man Appelman. Invariably his words struck home. "God’s hand is raised against Amer­ ica in her sin,” he told his audience in his opening message. “We must get right with God if we are to have a world peace which only He can give.” Hammering home the importance of “America Back to God” and the lost condition of a people living in a land which was founded upon the “ faith of our fathers.” but which has lament­

____ .Psalm 103 ______ John 14 _____ .Psalm 23 _____ .Psalm 1 ___ .Matthew 5 _____Romans 8 Corinthians 13 ........ Psalm 91 ¡1___Matthew 6 __ .........-John 3 _____ Isaiah 40 __......Psalm 46 ..... Romans 12 .....Hebrews 11 ___Matthew 7 .....__....John 15 _____Psalm 27 .........Isaiah 55 ....... Psalm 121 ...Philippians 4 ...Revelation 21 ........„.Luke 15 ... Ephesians 6 .... At....John 17 .........Isaiah 53 Corinthians 15 ___........John 10 ........ Psalm 51

Thanksgiving, Nov. 23.. Friday ------- ...---------- Saturday---- .'...--------- Sunday, Nov. 2 6 ------- Monday ------------------ Tuesday______________ _ — Wednesday _________ T Thursday ___ i Friday ------------------- Saturday ..........— ...... Sunday, Dec. 3 ........— Monday__.i,».......... ,— Tuesday ..................... Wednesday —........... Thursday ____________ Friday .....________......— Saturday _____ _______ Sunday, Dec. 19___.___ , Monday _______ _______ Tuesday ____ .....—....... Wednesday __________... Thursday .....i._________ Friday _____ __________ Saturday...... „ ............. Sunday, Dec. 1 7 ... ..... Monday _________ .1 Tuesday ......... ............ Wednesday ................

ably ignored that faith, Dr. Appelman showed himself fearless in his dec­ laration of the Bible’s demands. Each service «aw hundreds responding to the invitation to accept Christ as Sa­ viour. Dr. Appelman’s program of aggres­ sive evangelism continued in the noonday s e r v i c e s held Monday through Friday in the Philharmonic Auditorium. At this central location in the heart of the city, busy working people gathered.apart from the hustle of the world, to enjqy a time of meditation with the L °rd and to hear soul-stirring messages. On Saturdays in the tent, youth rallies and chil­ dren’s meetings were conducted. From the pulpit, press, and radio, Los Angeles was awakened to eternal truth: “Whosoever believeth on him [the Lord Jesus Christ] should not perish, but have everlasting life.” And once more it was proved to the joy of every believing Christian, -that the day of mass evangelism is not .past. Praise God for this.

* fo r bookmarks listing the passages and for helpful suggestions on how to get* the most from this reading , write thé American Bible Society, Park Ave. and 57th St., New York 22, N. Y. Literature will be furnished in large quantities to churches and chaplains without charge .

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