Lonoke PT. Physical Therapy Is The Natural Pain Relief Solu…

Patient Success Spotlight

Before starting therapy, Ms. Eloise couldn’t stand or walk for very long without a lot of pain, and it was keeping her from doing everyday things she wanted to do. After a few weeks in therapy, she is doing so much better. Check out her Improvement Report below. “I went to Kroger and walked the entire store. It was a smaller Kroger, but still to me it was a major accomplishment. I was proud of myself, and my daughter was extremely proud.” - Mrs. Benice


Outstanding RESULTS

“I’m standing more and even cooked a whole dinner meal and cleaned the bathroom. I’m even attending leadership meeting for a class reunion. I feel better than I have in years.” - M.G.

“I was having many sleepless nights and unable to walk long distances before coming to therapy. I am now sleeping all night and walking a mile! Thanks, Cody!” - C.C.

“I can now finish a task without having to sit to relieve pain. I can sit to play the piano for longer than 5 minutes at a time. I am overall in better spirits.” - M.P.

Move Freely • Alleviate Pain Naturally • Have More Energy • Enjoy Activities Pain Free • Be Stronger

Don’t let pain become a way of life Come in for a Free Consultation and see if PT along with Dry Needing can help you move toward a better feeling you! FREE DRY NEEDLING CONSULTATION

Dry Needling Can:

Loosen stiff muscles Ease joint pain Improve blood flow & oxygen circulation Optimize sports performance Accelerate healing from injury Prevent issues from becoming chronic

Lonoke: 501-676-5540 ProMotion: 501-945-0200


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