Reflet 2024 07 03



construction period. The administration’s recommendation, along with the financial plan update, was presented for information on June 17. Based on questions raised by Council and members of the public, they presented a listing of the questions and answers and made updates to the financial presentation in order to provide clarity on certain items.

The construction of a $104 million recre- ation complex in Russell took a giant step- forward last week after Council approved the awarding of an $86 million construction contract to begin building the municipality’s highly contentious arena. Following the prequalification for general contractors held from February 20 to March 19, eight companies qualified to bid on the construction project. On April 17, the com- panies received the full documentation to submit a price for the construction for the recreation complex. On June 11, three bids were received where McDonald Brothers Construction Inc.’s submission was reviewed by the consultants and staff and was deemed acceptable at $86,075,000. The total cost of the project is expected to reach $104,309,044. “I echo the previous mayor’s comments last fall – we’re getting what we need,” said Councillor Lalonde during the June 24 $PVODJMNFFUJOHi8FSFNBZCFOPUHFUUJOH exactly what we would have liked to have had but, hey, if it means that we’re getting all the kids and adults and seniors into the indoor pool facility who have never seen that before in our Township, and if it means getting a lot more kids on the ice, and adults, and old-timer hockey leagues onto three /)-TVSGBDFTCVUNBZCFOPUIBWJOHFOPVHI room for some of the spectators, I can live with that.” Council also voted to make an exemption to the building permit by-law so that the project could be invoiced for staff time only. After having discussions with the interim building department director, it was agreed that only the project cost recovery would be charged rather than following the fee schedule. The approach aims to reduce the impact on taxpayers, while ensuring that the building department is recovering all its costs. The third point accepted by Council was to make an exception to the municipal pur- chasing policy and giving the authority to the Administration to approve change orders that fall within the five per cent construction contingency included in the Financial Plan. Financing with a loan The municipality’s plan to finance the construction phase of the project with a DPOTUSVDUJPOMPBOBOEUIF3&$$PNQMFY reserve until 2028, increasing $150,000 annually with a one per cent tax increase each year, and with the DC Reserve of Parks and Recreation currently standing at $5,506,399. At the end of construction, scheduled for fall 2026, the construction loan will be converted into a term loan which will be

Le 24 juin, le conseil municipal de Russell a approuvé l’attribution du contrat du complexe récréatif à McDonald Brothers Construction Inc. pour un montant de 86 075 000 dollars, le coût total du projet étant prévu à 104 309 044 dollars. (site web de la municipalité de Russell) “The other thing I’d like to point out [...] is at no point do we talk about possible grants or private partnerships. This is something that I want to reiterate that we would like to see us aggressively pursue, now that we award this contract,” said Mayor Mike Tarnowski. “I’d like to go back to something that Counselor Deacon mentioned at the last meeting, we need to create the story CFIJOEUIJT8FOFFEUP BTBDPNNVOJUZ  show excitement about this to get upper tier governments involved in this project.” RUSSELL JOINT LE PROGRAMME D’ACCÈS AUX TOILETTES ALLEZICI discussed in more details in 2026. It will function similarly to a mortgage, allowing the municipality to select the amortization period, the term length, and the interest rate. Infrastructure Ontario (IO) will finance the construction through a loan during the


The Township of Russell has joined the GoHere Washroom access program, primarily to provide access to people suffering from Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis. (Township of Russell website) La municipalité encourage les entre- prises locales à adhérer à ce programme afin d’aider la communauté à être plus inclusive. Plus d’informations est disponible sur le site web de la maladie de Crohn et de la colite au trouver les toilettes disponibles les plus proches partout au Canada. L’application est disponible dans les magasins d’applications Apple et Android sous le nom GoHere: Washroom Locator . L’application à au-dessus de 10 000 téléchargements avec 2.8 étoiles pour 58 personnes qu’il l’on réviser. Plus de 3 500 sites enregistrés au Canada sont disponibles. The evening is being promoted as bringing “good food, a foodie fun taste of summer, and family, pet-friendly atmosphere,” fea- turing locally produced cheese, steak from &NCSVOT (JMFUUF 'BSNT BOE DIFGNBEF lobster rolls. “I’m partnering with Pearson Street, not only because we are good friends, but because they use local meat and all of are looking to push local.” /PVL DVSSFOUMZBTPVTDIFGJOUIF0UUBXB scene, has staged with Marc Lepine at Ate- lier, one of Ottawa’s - and Canada’s - top SFTUBVSBOUT8IJMFMBSHFMZTFMGUBVHIU UIF

La municipalité de Russell s’est jointe au programme d’accès aux toilettes AllezIci pour principalement donner accès au gens souffrant de la maladie de Crohn ou de la colite. L’hôtel de ville, le dôme sportif et la biblio- thèque publique de Russell vont maintenant afficher un collant à leur entrée qui indique que les toilettes sont disponibles pour tous. D’après Crohn et Colite Canada, le seul organisme national de bienfaisance com- posé de bénévoles qui ont comme mission de trouver des traitements curatifs contre la maladie de Crohn et la colite, la plus importante préoccupation des 300 000 Canadiens souffrant de la maladie de Crohn ou de la colite est d’accéder à des toilettes pendant leurs déplacements. L’application AllezIci aide les gens à


local chef cut his chops in fast food and family restaurants before working his way into fine dining. Inspired by his Acadian grandmother .JDIFMJOFTDPPLJOH /PVLJOUFHSBUFTUIF at-home flavours of his Acadian and Franco- Ontarian roots with a passion for fine dining, always focusing on fresh local ingredients. The event is taking place at Pearson Street Smashburgers n’ Melts at 8 Blaise 4USFFU &NCSVO PO4BUVSEBZ +VMZ TUBSUJOH at 12 p.m.

Pearson Street Smashburgers n’ Melts and La Micheline are collaborating for a one-day event for bringing together local products, fine food and a taste of summer on Saturday, July 6. Pearson Street Smashburger n’ Melts, a stalwart of the regional food scene, is DPMMBCPSBUJOHXJUI$IFG/PVL$PVUVSJFS#FS - nard, a Rockland-born Acadian and Franco- Ontarian chef promoting his new enterprise La Micheline.

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