Group Critical Illness Insurance Certificate

For Cancer that means a Covered Person with a prior diagnosis and treatment for cancer is considered free of that cancer when: 1. the Covered Person completed the recommended cancer treatment as determined by their treating Physician for the previously existing Cancer; 2. following the completion of the Covered Person’s cancer treatment, a Physician determined that there is no evidence of active primary malignant disease as confirmed by a Physician by all of the following: 1. negative special blood studies (e.g., Carcinoembryonic Antigen (CEA); 2. for non-blood cancers and solid tumors, negative special imagery studies (e.g., Magnetic Resonance Imagery (MRI), Computerized Tomography (CT), Positron Emission Tomography (PET scan). For Stroke, that means the Covered Person was discharged from the Inpatient hospital stay for which an Initial Critical Illness Benefit has been paid. For Heart Attack that means the Covered Person: 1. has an absence of hyperkinesis of the non-infarcted myocardium, as demonstrated by a stable ventricular ejection fraction for a post-myocardial infarction patient; and 2. was discharged from the Inpatient hospital stay for which an Initial Critical Illness Benefit has been paid. For Coronary Artery Disease that means the Covered Person has a subsequent diagnosis of Coronary Artery Disease and the previously existing coronary artery obstruction has been corrected as evidenced by adequate blood flow being demonstrated. For Major Organ Failure it means it is for a different Organ for which a(n) Initial Critical Illness Benefit has been paid. A licensed graduate registered nurse (R.N.), a licensed practical nurse (L.P.N.), or a licensed vocational nurse (L.V.N.) who is not: 1. employed or retained by the Subscriber; 2. living in the Covered Person’s household; or 3. a parent, sibling, spouse or child of the Covered Person. Liver, lung or lungs, pancreas, kidney, heart or bone marrowincluding blood forming stem cell. A Covered Person who receives medical tests, treatment, or services from an Ambulatory Surgical Center, Hospital, lab, medical clinic, Physician’s office, or radiologic center and is not confined for a day's room and board. The complete, irreversible and permanent loss of the use of two or more non-severed limbs, as a result of a disease or Sickness. Paralysis as a result of Stroke, Multiple Sclerosis, and Cerebral Palsy is excluded. The Date of Diagnosis is the date a Physician makes a diagnosis based on clinical and/or laboratory findings as supported by the Covered Person’s medical records. A progressive, degenerative neurologic disease that is characterized by loss of the neurotransmitter dopamine and leads to the following Signs: ''Signs'' means clinical findings of at least 3 of the following: 1. tremors at rest; 2. slowed, physical movement (bradykensia) or difficulty initiating movement; 3. difficulty with speech (monotone voice, lack of inflection, etc.); 4. muscular rigidity;





Parkinson's Disease


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