GENERAL PROVISIONS Entire Contract; Changes
This Policy, including the endorsements, amendments and any attached papers constitutes the entire contract of coverage. No change in this Policy will be valid until approved by one of Our executive officers and endorsed on or attached to this Policy. No agent has authority to change this Policy or to waive any of its provisions. Subscriber Participation Under This Policy An organization may elect to participate under this Policy by submitting a signed Subscriber participation agreement to the Policyholder. No participation by an organization is in effect until approved by Us. Misstatement of Age and Tobacco If the Covered Person has misstated His Age or tobacco status, all amounts payable under this Policy will be such as the premium paid would have purchased had such fact been correctly stated. Certificates Where required by law, We will provide a Certificate for delivery to the Covered Person. Each Certificate will list the benefits, conditions and limits of this Policy. It will state to whom benefits will be paid. 30 Day Right To Examine Certificate If a Covered Person does not like the Certificate for any reason, it may be returned to Us within 30 days after receipt. We will return any premium that has been paid and the Certificate will be void as if it had never been issued. Multiple Certificates The Covered Person may have in force only one Certificate at a time under this Policy. If at any time the Covered Person has been issued more than one Certificate, then only the Certificate insuring the Covered Person as an Employee shall be in effect. We will refund premiums paid for the others for any period of time that more than one Certificate was issued. A Covered Person is not eligible for coverage under more than one Certificate providing similar benefits for Critical Illness coverage coverage under group policies issued by Us. If premium is being paid for more than one such Certificate as an Employee or a Dependent, then coverage will be in effect under the Certificate with the earliest effective date and premiums paid for Certificates which are not in effect will be refunded. Assignment The rights and benefits provided by this Policy, except as provided herein, may not be assigned. The payee may, after a benefit or series of benefits has become payable, assign only those benefits. Such assignment will be valid only if We receive it before any of those benefits have been paid and only for benefits payable for claims arising from the same Covered Loss. Any other attempt to assign will be void. Incontestability This Policy or Participation Under This Policy All statements made by the Subscriber to obtain this Policy or to participate under this Policy are considered representations and not warranties. No statement will be used to deny or reduce benefits or be used as a defense to a claim, or to deny the validity of this Policy or of participation under this Policy unless a copy of the instrument containing the statement is, or has been, furnished to the Subscriber. After two years from the Policy Effective Date, no such statement will cause this Policy to be contested except for fraud or All statements made by a Covered Person are considered representations and not warranties. No statement will be used to deny or reduce benefits or be used as a defense to a claim, unless a copy of the instrument containing the statement is, or has been, furnished to the claimant. After two years from the Covered Person’s effective date of coverage, or from the effective date of increased benefits, no such statement will cause coverage or the increased benefits to be contested except for fraud or lack of eligibility for coverage. lack of eligibility for coverage. A Covered Person's Insurance
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