provision: The Employee must give Us notice of any newborn children within ninety (90) days of the birth or before the next premium due date, whichever is later. Coverage shall begin on the date of the filing of a petition for adoption if the insured applies for coverage within sixty (60) days after the filing of the petition for adoption. Coverage shall begin from the moment of birth if the petition for adoption and application for coverage is filed within (60) days after the birth of the minor. 3) Under the General Provisions section, the following provision is added: New Entrants New Employees or their eligible dependents, may be added in accordance with the terms of the Policy. Florida residents: 1) Under the General Definitions section, item 2 of the second paragraph of the Dependent child definition includes adopted and foster child as follows: 2. adopted child, beginning with the date of the filing of the petition for adoption. It also means the legally adopted child of the Employee’s Spouse or domestic partner/Partner to a Civil Union provided the child is living with, and is financially dependent upon the Employee; 2) Under the Term Life Insurance Rider , the following changes have been made: a) The Whose Insurance May Be Converted section is replaced with the following: Each Covered Person’s insurance or any portion of it may be converted if it ends for any of the following reasons: 1. employment or membership ends; 2. termination of membership in an eligible class under the Policy. b) The Amount of Conversion Insurance section is replaced with the following: The Covered Person may apply for an amount of insurance that is not greater than the coverage amount terminating under the Policy; or Apply for more than $10,000 of insurance if the Policy is terminated or amended to terminate the insurance for any class of Insureds, or the Employer cancels participation under the Policy. Conversion in these cases is only permitted if you have been covered by the Policy or, any group life insurance policy issued to the Employer which the Policy replaced, for at least 3 years. Georgia residents:
1) The Maximum Lifetime per Covered Person cannot exceed $250,000. 2) Under the General Definitions section, the following changes have been made:
a) Item 2 of the second paragraph of the Dependent Child definition includes adopted child as follows: 2. adopted child, beginning with the date of the filing of the petition for adoption. It also means the legally adopted child of the Employee’s Spouse or domestic partner/Partner to a Civil Union provided the child is living with, and is financially dependent upon the Employee; b) The definition of Paralysis is replaced with the following:
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