any surviving beneficiaries unless otherwise specified. If there is no named beneficiary or surviving beneficiary or if the Employee dies while benefits are payable to Him, We may make direct payment to the first surviving class of the following classes of persons: 1. Spouse; 2. Children; 3. parents; 4. siblings; 5. estate of the Covered Person. e) The Recovery of Overpayment provision is revised as follows: Recovery of Overpayment If benefits are overpaid, We have the right to recover the amount overpaid by either of the following methods after We identify the reason for the overpayment. Our right to recover is only from amounts that would be payable directly to the Covered Person, and only if the discovery of the overpayment and request for recovery occurs within one year after the overpayment. If We reduce any amounts payable under this Policy, the Covered Person has the right to appeal the claim adjudication and the amount. If the overpayment is in dispute, the reduction of subsequent claims will be suspended until the dispute is resolved. 7) Under the General Provisions section, the following changes are made: a) The 30 Day Right To Examine Certificate provision does not apply within this section and is added to the Certificate Face Page. b) The Assignment provision is replaced with the following: Assignment The rights and benefits under this Policy may not be assigned and any attempt to assign will be void. c) The Incontestability provision is replaced with the following: Incontestability This Policy All statements made by the Employer to obtain this Policy are considered representations and not warranties. No statement will be used to deny or reduce benefits or be used as a defense to a claim, or to deny the validity of this Policy, unless a signed copy of the instrument containing the statement is, or has been, furnished to the Employer. After two years from the Policy Effective Date, no such statement will cause this Policy to be contested except for non-payment of premium. A Covered Person's Insurance All statements made by a Covered Person are considered representations and not warranties. No statement will be used to deny or reduce benefits or be used as a defense to a claim, unless a signed copy of the instrument containing the statement is, or has been, furnished to the claimant. 1. A request for lump sum payment of the overpaid amount. 2. A reduction of any amounts payable under this Policy. After two years from the Covered Person’s effective date of insurance, or from the effective date of increased benefits, no such statement will cause insurance or the increased benefits to be contested except for non-payment of premium. In the event of death or incapacity, the beneficiary or representative shall be given a copy.
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