LAE Prospectus 2023-24

I s LAE right for me?

Do you love to learn?

Do you work hard?

 Do you aspire to a place at a top university?

 Are you committed to being the best that you can be, both inside and outside of the classroom?

 Are you on track to meet the minimum entry requirements set out below?

→ achieve at least five GCSE grades in the range 7 to 9.

→ achieve a grade 6 or above in both GCSE English Language and Mathematics.

→ achieve at least a grade 7 in the subjects you wish to continue to study at A - level in Year 12*, and meet the minimum course requirements (click to find out more).

→ meet specific course requirements as published on the LAE website.**

* it is possible to study Economics, History, Geography, Politics, Psychology or P&T in Year 12 if the subject was not studied at GCSE;

** in some cases, a minimum grade in a relevant supporting GCSE subject may be re- quired for an offer - holder to be enrolled for the study of a particular subject at A - Level, as published on the LAE website.





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