EQ Business Case 2010(2)

About the Author

Joshua Freedman is an expert in teaching emotional intelligence to improve the organizational effectiveness. COO for Six Seconds (www.sixseconds.com), Joshua is one of a handful of experts in the world with extensive proven experience helping organizations leverage emotional intelligence. He is the author of At the Heart of Leadership , and coauthor INSIDE CHANGE, Transforming Your Organization with Emotional Intelligence as well as five validated assessments including the SEI Leadership Report and the Organizational Vital Signs Climate Assessment , as well as numerous training tools and programs including The Inside Path to Change (for the US Navy and Marine Corps). Freedman is also editor of the Developing Human Performance library of modules to introduce EQ to organizations (www.6seconds.org/dhp). Thank you to Todd Everett for co-authorship of the original version of this report, and to Lorenzo Fariselli, Massimiliano Ghini, Federica Valentini, and Carina Fiedeldey-Van Dijk for their collaboration and research. Thank you to Melissa Donaldson and Rebecca Redman of Six Seconds Australia and Melissa Bayne for their assistance with this project. I’m also very grateful to the numerous researchers, authors, and experts who contributed to this work; many have offered their personal time to help me synthesize this data. The photographs in this report are ©istockphoto.com. The first edition of this e-book was published May 4, 2004.

End Notes

Note: This report combines research from a number of different emotional intelligence models and tools. For academic research it may be useful to distinguish findings from different assessments and theoretical models.

1 Harvard Business Review, “Breakthrough Ideas for Tomorrow's Business Agenda,” April 2003 2 Joshua Freedman, 2007 Workplace Issues Report , Six Seconds 2008.


White Paper The Business Case for Emotional Intelligence

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