45 : houses + housing

3 Dubbledam Architecture + Design, Toronto This is a research-informed practice very much situated in building, including Missing Middle housing typologies and pilot projects placed in the gap between single-family houses and apartment buildings — mid-rise and middle-scaled multi- unit dwellings which expand housing options in established neighbourhoods and address the restrictive zoning policies found in many Canadian urban centres. In-Vert Apartments , Toronto (unbuilt), develops the typical postwar 3-storey walkup by adding two additional storeys set back from the street, maintaining the original shell and carving openings that access semi-private outside areas — inverted outdoor spaces in a middle ground between private and public. These inverted spaces are greened, giving each unit a garden, the main appeal of a single-family house on a lot, and much more than a narrow balcony on an apartment block.

In-Vert : Within the original footprint of the apartment block, a two-storey volume is added to the top of the building, set back from front and sides to create space for roof gardens. The setback reinforces the three-storey scale of the neighbourhood.

Incremental Density : a zoned 4-6 storeys in a traditional neighbourhood, These mid-rise apartments occupy a single lot, increasing the number of units from one house, of possibly 3 units to 11 units plus retail on the street.

Incremental Density , also in Toronto (in progress) is an alternative to high rise construction that is more integrated with traditional single-family housing: 4 to 6 storeys, commercial at grade, a large central opening on each level serving as a shared backyard. Private balconies, units large enough for families. 4-6 storey multiplexes are already allowed on single residential lots, so this is a model that needs no zoning changes, or density and height challenges. Slowly, the neighbourhood evolves, slowly increasing density and height.

images and text drawn from https://www.reurbanhousing. com/dubbeldam where there are more images, text and diagrams. See also https://dubbeldam.ca/

34 on site review 45: houses + housing

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