AARP Smart Driver Course • AGES 50 AND UP Co-sponsored by the AARP and Naperville Park District, this program (formerly known as the AARP Driver Safety Program) is a comprehensive driver-retraining course geared to the specific needs of older motorists. Learn the effects of aging and medications on driving, basic driving rules, license renewal procedures, local traffic hazards and more. Designed to improve your driving abilities through additional training, attention and practice, this two-day course helps you drive more safely and keep your driver’s license longer. Most auto insurance companies offer a discount for people who attend this class. Call your local insurance agent for more details. The fee is $25 ($20 for AARP card-carrying members). Fees are subject to change. Payment goes directly to instructor. Make checks payable to AARP. Cash is not accepted. Although it is free to book a spot in the class, there is a fee for this program. (lmo) CODE DATE DAY TIME MEMBER/NONMEMBER ARRCC Classroom 206 • 305 Jackson Ave. 99896 Jan 15-16 W-Th 12:30-4:30 pm $20/$25 Ageless Grace®: Timeless Fit for the Body and Mind • AGES 50 AND UP Welcome to Ageless Grace®: Timeless Fit for the Body and Mind, a cutting- edge brain fitness program based on neuroplasticity that activates all five functions of the brain-strategic planning, memory/recall, analytical thinking, creativity and imagination and kinesthetic learning while simultaneously addressing all 21 physical skills needed for lifelong optimal function. This unique program works for all ages and all fitness and ability levels. Instructor Cecilia Floyd-Carruthers will teach you the 21 Tools that focus on different anti-aging techniques like Shake It Up Baby, Dance Party, Spaghetti Spine and more, all set to lively and familiar music. Just imagine all of this plus tons of laughter. Stretch, bend and strengthen your core muscles while adding the twist of cognitive learning to build those brain cells. This program works by providing increased stability while seated in a chair! It’s time to add fun to exercise and experience the newest way to move both mind and body. Please note that this class is done barefoot while sitting in a chair. Bring comfy socks if needed. (lmo) CODE DATE DAY TIME R/N ARRCC Community Hall • 305 Jackson Ave. 99898 Jan 4-Feb 1 Sa 10:00-10:45 am $45/$68 99899 Feb 15-Mar 29 Sa 10:00-10:45 am $45/$68 Bingo at Tabor Hills • AGES 50 AND UP NEW Tabor Hills has graciously offered to host Bingo at their beautiful facility located at 1347 Crystal Avenue in Naperville (the Healthcare Facility building). Bingo is preceded by a delicious lunch. Directions, parking information and check-in instructions are included on your confirmation. Registration ends on Mon. May 5. No walk-in registrations for this event. (lmo) CODE DATE DAY TIME R/N TABOR HILLS - LOBBY • 1347 Crystal Ave 100095 May 12 M 12:30-2:00 pm $8/$12
Bingo • AGES 50 AND UP Bring your friends and let the fun and games begin! Event includes lunch, 12 games of regular bingo, friendship and, if you’re lucky, prizes! Take advantage of early bird pricing, which is valid until the Monday before each bingo event. (lmo) CODE DATE TIME R/N ARRCC Community Hall • 305 Jackson Ave. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5, 2024 REGISTRATION IN PROGRESS 95734 Early Bird Price until Dec. 2 12:30-2:00 pm $5/$8 95742 Regular Price Begins Dec. 3 12:30-2:00 pm $10/$15 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 2024 REGISTRATION IN PROGRESS 95735 Early Bird Price until Dec. 16 12:30-2:00 pm $5/$8 95743 Regular Price Begins Dec. 17 12:30-2:00 pm $10/$15 THURSDAY, JANUARY 9, 2025 99820 Early Bird Price until Jan. 6 12:30-2:00 pm $8/$12 99826 Regular Price Begins Jan. 7 12:30-2:00 pm $13/$20 THURSDAY, JANUARY 23, 2025 99821 Early Bird Price until Jan. 20 12:30-2:00 pm $8/$12 99827 Regular Price Begins Jan. 21 12:30-2:00 pm $13/$20 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2025 99822 Early Bird Price until Feb. 3 12:30-2:00 pm $8/$12 99828 Regular Price Begins Feb. 4 12:30-2:00 pm $13/$20 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 2025 99823 Early Bird Price until Feb. 17 12:30-2:00 pm $8/$12 99829 Regular Price Begins Feb. 18 12:30-2:00 pm $13/$20 THURSDAY, MARCH 6, 2025 99824 Early Bird Price until Mar. 3 12:30-2:00 pm $8/$12 99830 Regular Price Begins Mar. 4 12:30-2:00 pm $13/$20 THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 2025 99825 Early Bird Price until Mar. 17 12:30-2:00 pm $8/$12 99831 Regular Price Begins Mar. 18 12:30-2:00 pm $10/$15 Dementia-Friendly Movie Musicals • AGES 50 AND UP Made for dementia participants and their family members/caregivers, enjoy movie musicals from the ‘20s to the ‘80s in the comfortably decorated lounge with movie theatre seats. Bring back fond memories while reminiscing about times that made you laugh and smile. The run time for each movie varies, but each shouldn’t last more than two hours and fifteen minutes. Although this program is free, registration is required. This is a per person event; every dementia participant and family member/ caregiver must register. (lmo) CODE DATE DAY TIME R/N ARRCC Lounge • 305 W. Jackson Ave. 42ND STREET (1933) 100996 Jan 31 F 10:00-11:29 am Free VIVA LAS VEGAS (1964) 100997 Feb 28 F 10:00-11:25 am Free
10:00 am-12:12 pm Free
Click here to search by age and location •• Indicates School District Residents pay resident rates
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