Winter Break: Kids First Track and Field Camp • AGES 6-13 Camp introduces many of the events that make up the sport of track and field. Learn new techniques and strengthen existing skills. Focus is on teaching the basics of sprints, hurdles, jumps, quickness and throws in a safe and fundamental way. There is a mini-meet at the end of the week. Conducted by Kids First Sports Safety, Inc. (ba) CODE DATE DAY TIME R/N Brookdale School 1/2 Gym (Side 2) • 1200 Redfield Rd. 97849 Dec 23-27 M-T,Th-F 2:45-4:00 pm $98/$128•• 97850 Dec 30-Jan 3 M-T,Th-F 2:45-4:00 pm $98/$128•• Patterson School 1/2 Gym (Side 1) • 3731 Lawrence Dr. 97848 Dec 23-27 M-T,Th-F 12:15-1:30 pm $98/$128•• 97847 Dec 30-Jan 3 M-T,Th-F 12:15-1:30 pm $98/$128•• Winter Break: Kids First Ultimate Frisbee® Camp • AGES 7-15 Kids First Sports Safety, Inc. certified coaches prepare players to play, enjoy and win in a team concept at Ultimate Frisbee® - one of the fastest growing team sports in the country! Ultimate can be described as a combination of soccer, football and basketball. It’s a simple-to-learn, yet demanding game. Offensive and defensive drills are supplemented by games leading to a championship match on the final day. (ba) CODE DATE DAY TIME R/N AGES 7-14 Brookdale School 1/2 Gym (Side 1) • 1200 Redfield Rd. 97855 Dec 23-27 M-T,Th-F 2:45-4:00 pm $98/$128•• 97854 Dec 30-Jan 3 M-T,Th-F 2:45-4:00 pm $98/$128•• Patterson School 1/2 Gym (Side 1) • 3731 Lawrence Dr. 97852 Dec 30-Jan 3 M-T,Th-F 2:45-4:00 pm $98/$128•• AGES 7-15 Patterson School 1/2 Gym (Side 1) • 3731 Lawrence Dr. 97853 Dec 23-27 M-T,Th-F 2:45-4:00 pm $98/$128•• Winter Break: Kids First Volleyball Basics Camp • AGES 6-13 Players learn fundamental volleyball techniques incorporating balance, directional movement, ball handling and sportsmanship. Excellent coaches prepare kids to succeed using drills, games and instruction each day. Conducted by Kids First Sports Safety, Inc. staff. (ba) CODE DATE DAY TIME R/N Brookdale School 1/2 Gym (Side 1) • 1200 Redfield Rd. 97857 Dec 23-27 M-T,Th-F 11:00 am-12:15 pm $98/$128•• 97858 Dec 30-Jan 3 M-T,Th-F 11:00 am-12:15 pm $98/$128••
Winter Break: LEGO: Minecraft Master Engineering with LEGO® • AGES 9-12
Bring your favorite Minecraft adventures to life with an experienced Play- Well instructor. In a Minecraft world, powered by LEGO® resources, build shelters to keep out Creepers, craft mystical items that only true masters can wield and perfect cross bow skills to stop the Wither from taking over! (lmo) CODE DATE DAY TIME R/N ARRCC Community Hall • 305 Jackson Ave. 96160 Jan 2-3 Th-F 1:00-4:00 pm $83/$113 Winter Break: LEGO: Winter Wonderland Challenge with LEGO® • AGES 9-12 Get ready for the deep freeze this winter! Apply concepts in engineering and architecture to brave the challenges of winter weather. Design and build motorized contraptions such as snowplows, gondolas, and a snowball launcher with the guidance of an experienced Play-Well instructor and tens of thousands of LEGO® pieces to use. (lmo) CODE DATE DAY TIME R/N ARRCC Community Hall • 305 Jackson Ave. 96161 Dec 26-27 Th-F 1:00-4:00 pm $83/$113 Winter Break: LEGO: Winter Wonderland Engineering with LEGO® • AGES 5-8 Create a spectacular Winter Wonderland! Build bobsleds, design snowplows and take a ride on the Polar Express. Explore your snowiest ideas and learn STEM concepts with tens of thousands of LEGO® pieces at your mitten tips along with the guidance of an experienced Play-Well
instructor. (lmo) CODE DATE
ARRCC Community Hall • 305 Jackson Ave. 96162 Dec 26-27 Th-F
9:00 am-12:00 pm $83/$113
Winter Break: RoboThink: STEM Robotics • AGES 7-11 Calling all aspiring robotic engineers! In our RoboThink STEM Robotics Camp, we’ll construct an impressive array of robot designs! We’ll learn, build, battle and play together over winter break while keeping our brains sharp. Every creation will showcase your creativity and engineering prowess, plus developing your problem solving and critical thinking skills. Bring your enthusiasm and get ready for an experience that will leave you buzzing with excitement! No class Jan. 1. (bd) CODE DATE DAY TIME R/N 95th Street Classroom 207 • 2244 West 95th St. 97680 Dec 30-Jan 3 M-T,Th-F 9:00 am-12:00 pm $216/$246 Winter Break: Youth EVP Jr Volleykidz Camp • AGES 11-14 Join us for a special holiday volleyball camp session taught and directed by EVP Academy Pros. The 3-day camp will concentrate on the fundamentals of passing, setting, spiking and overhand serve. The lesson plan directs the use of self-mastery training that helps each student reach a new level. The knowledge of the instructors will give the participants a head start on their skills in preparation for club team play. (ba) CODE DATE DAY TIME R/N Fort Hill Gymnasium • 20 Fort Hill Dr. 97957 Dec 30-Jan 3 M,Th-F 10:30 am-12:30 pm $133/$163
Winter Break: LEGO: Minecraft Engineering with LEGO® • AGES 5-8
Venture into the world of Minecraft in this unique LEGO® experience. Get ready to build your base, craft your tools, use your Minecart to harvest raw resources and battle to stop the Ender Dragon from ending the world. Come explore the endless possibilities of LEGO® with a trained Play-Well
instructor. (lmo) CODE DATE
ARRCC Community Hall • 305 Jackson Ave. 96159 Jan 2-3 Th-F
9:00 am-12:00 pm $83/$113
29 WINTER 2025
NAPERVILLE PARK DISTRICT Promoting healthy lives, minds and community
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