Spring Break: Code Ninjas: LEGO® Python Engineers Camp • AGES 8-12
Spring Break: Gymnastics Levels 1-5 Camp • AGES 6-14 Take advantage of this great opportunity to experience the Fort Hill Activity Center gym. Work bars, beam, floor and vault each day. Enjoy skills drills, gym-appropriate games and fun activities. Experience Tumbl Trak and tumbling into the pit. Work at your own level. Small group instruction makes the most of coaching. (dn) CODE DATE DAY TIME R/N Fort Hill Gymnastics Room • 20 Fort Hill Dr. 100757 Mar 31-Apr 4 M-F 12:30-2:30 pm $195/$225 Spring Break: Kids First Badminton Camp • AGES 6-15 This fun, instructional camp prepares players to succeed in badminton. Camp focus is on learning the fundamentals like grip, racket positioning, serving, body balance and first-step directional movements leading to games. All equipment is provided. Taught by Kids First Sports Safety, Inc. staff. Parents are asked to wait outside of the gym during camp. (ba) CODE DATE DAY TIME R/N AGES 6-14 Patterson School 1/2 Gym (Side 1) • 3731 Lawrence Dr. 100449 Mar 31-Apr 4 M-F 12:15-1:30 pm $135/$165•• AGES 7-15 Brookdale School 1/2 Gym (Side 2) • 1200 Redfield Rd. 100450 Mar 31-Apr 4 M-F 11:00 am-12:15 pm $135/$165•• Spring Break: Kids First Baseball/Softball Skills Camp • AGES 5-12 Get ready for the upcoming baseball/softball season! Learn fundamental skills including batting, fielding, base-running and throwing - skills that are sure to improve play on the field and in the batter’s box. Please bring a glove and wear gym shoes; cleats are not allowed in the gym. Led by Kids First Sports Safety, Inc. staff. Parents are asked to wait outside of the gym during camp. (ba) CODE DATE DAY TIME R/N AGES 5-12 Brookdale School Gym • 1200 Redfield Rd. 100451 Mar 31-Apr 4 M-F 9:45-11:00 am $135/$165•• AGES 6-11 Patterson School Gym • 3731 Lawrence Dr. 100452 Mar 31-Apr 4 M-F 1:30-2:45 pm $135/$165•• Spring Break: Kids First Basketball Camp • AGES 5-13 Learn the basics of basketball with hands-on drills, demonstrations, scrimmages and contests. Camp, led by Kids First Sports Safety, Inc. staff, focuses on shooting and offensive and defensive skills. Quickness, body balance, first step directional movements, safety and sportsmanship are emphasized. Participants will be split by age. Parents are asked to wait outside of the gym during camp. (ba) CODE DATE DAY TIME R/N AGES 5-12 Brookdale School Gym • 1200 Redfield Rd. 100454 Mar 31-Apr 4 M-F 8:30-9:45 am $135/$165•• AGES 5-13 Patterson School 1/2 Gym (Side 1) • 3731 Lawrence Dr. 100453 Mar 31-Apr 4 M-F 11:00 am-12:15 pm $135/$165••
Robotics adventures await in this camp full of creativity, fun and collaboration! Discover the worlds of engineering and computer programming using the LEGO® SPIKE™ Prime set and Python Programming Language. (lmo) CODE DATE DAY TIME R/N Code Ninjas • 1305 S. Naper Blvd. 100807 Mar 31-Apr 4 M-F 12:30-3:30 pm $299/$329 Spring Break: Dinosaur Discoveries • AGES 5-8 There’s an explorer in all of us and if you’re ready for an expedition in dinosaur discovery, this is for you! T-Rexplorers take you on an adventure straight from the cretaceous period with this unique, hands-on exploration of dinosaur science and paleontology. Conduct investigations of different authentic dinosaur fossil types from species like Triceratops and T-Rex. Enjoy discovery, humor, fun, games and an activity or craft to take home. You’ll be going outdoors (weather permitting) so dress accordingly. Please bring lunch, snack and water bottle. (bd) CODE DATE DAY TIME R/N 95th Street Multipurpose Room 204 • 2244 West 95th St. 100320 Mar 31-Apr 1 M-T 9:00 am-12:00 pm $135/$165 Spring Break: Gymnastics - Tigers, Lions and Cubs Camp • AGES 3-6 Enjoy games, fun coordination activities, tumbling activities on the floor and learning using the event equipment (bars, beam, rings and vault). Use the Tumbl Trak and pit every day! Work in small groups with a low student to teacher ratio. Larger group activities are taught using multiple instructors. Camp teaches and challenges each child according to their ability. This is the only camp taking place at this time; there is no conflict arising from lack of space. Campers must be toilet-trained and ready to attend without a parent. (dn) CODE DATE DAY TIME R/N Fort Hill Gymnastics Room • 20 Fort Hill Dr. 100755 Mar 31-Apr 4 M-F 10:45 am-12:00 pm $123/$153 Spring Break: Gymnastics - Tumbling Camp • AGES 6-14 Use the Tumbl Trak, enjoy tumbling into the pit, and work through plenty of drill stations to further existing skills and learn new ones. Work on FlipFlops and/or FlipFlop prep (back handsprings). Our gymnastics facility has a regulation size spring floor just like at the Olympics! This is the only camp taking place at this time; there is no conflict arising from lack of space or equipment. (dn) CODE DATE DAY TIME R/N Fort Hill Gymnastics Room • 20 Fort Hill Dr. 100756 Mar 31-Apr 4 M-F 3:00-4:00 pm $105/$135
31 WINTER 2025
NAPERVILLE PARK DISTRICT Promoting healthy lives, minds and community
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