ADULT Adult Hike with a Naturalist • AGES 18 AND UP
Join a naturalist on a wintry morning hike at Knoch Knolls Park to learn about local wildlife. Wear sturdy shoes and dress for the weather. (ah) CODE DATE DAY TIME R/N Knoch Knolls Nature Center Deck • 320 Knoch Knolls Rd. 100022 Feb 1 Sa 10:00-11:30 am Free Establishing and Maintaining Your Lawn • AGES 18 AND UP Explore ways to establish, renovate, and maintain your lawn while protecting the environment. Ron Biondo, author and retired landscape designer/horticulturist, will cover fertilization, irrigation, mowing, and pest management practices for a healthy lawn. Program is free but registration is required. (ah) CODE DATE DAY TIME R/N Knoch Knolls Nature Center River Room • 320 Knoch Knolls Rd. 100030 Mar 15 Sa 10:00-11:00 am Free Holiday Evergreen Centerpiece • AGES 18 AND UP REGISTRATION IN PROGRESS Learn basic floral design skills while creating a beautiful fresh evergreen centerpiece. Class work will explore tools, evergreen identification, shape, use of textures, floral care and personalization ideas. Design will include fresh evergreens, pinecones, other natural items, seasonal trim and ribbons. All supplies included but you may bring, and add, personal touches. (ah) CODE DATE DAY TIME R/N Knoch Knolls Nature Center River Room • 320 Knoch Knolls Rd. 95918 Dec 14 Sa 10:00-11:30 am $48/$72 Pruning Landscape Plants • AGES 18 AND UP Have your trees and shrubs gotten out of control and need pruning? Join Ron Biondo, author and retired landscape designer/horticulturist, to learn how to prune, when to prune, and why to prune. Emphasis on proper techniques for restricting growth and maintaining plant health will be covered. Program is free but registration is required. (ah) CODE DATE DAY TIME R/N Knoch Knolls Nature Center River Room • 320 Knoch Knolls Rd. 100031 Mar 1 Sa 10:00-11:00 am Free Residential Landscape Design • AGES 18 AND UP Discover ways to improve curb appeal and increase the value of your home by learning the rules of landscape design with Ron Biondo, author and retired landscape designer/horticulturist. Discussion will include selecting and locating plants based on principles of art. Bring your personal landscape dilemmas for advice. Program is free but registration is required. (ah) CODE DATE DAY TIME R/N Knoch Knolls Nature Center River Room • 320 Knoch Knolls Rd. 100032 Mar 8 Sa 10:00-11:00 am Free
YOUTH Family Hike with a Naturalist • AGES 4 AND UP
Join a naturalist for a wintry morning hike at Knoch Knolls Park to look for signs of wildlife. Younger children may be carried. Wear sturdy hiking boots or snow boots. Dress for the weather. Price is for up to 4 family members. At least one adult must attend per family. Please register only one person from your family. (ah) CODE DATE DAY TIME R/N Knoch Knolls Nature Center Deck • 320 Knoch Knolls Rd. 100026 Feb 22 Sa 10:00-11:30 am $12/$18 Nature Discovery Kits • AGES 4-10 Discover nature at home with one of our themed Nature Discovery Kits!. Some kits are designed for families with up to 4 children, other kits are designed for just one child (eg. craft kits). Please see specific kit listing for more details on themes/materials and when they are available. Some kits offer additional craft materials available for an extra fee. An email confirmation will be sent when your kit is available for pick up inside the nature center during open hours. (ah) RASCALLY RACCOONS: Explore the nocturnal world of the original masked bandit - the raccoon! Use our Rascally Raccoons Nature Discovery Kit to learn more about these mammals with fun activities, games and a craft. Take home kit includes: Background information, book list, coloring sheets, supplies for four (4) raccoon masks, materials/instructions for a nighttime animal eyes hunt, a daytime animal tracks hunt plus a memory game. Items not included: crayons or markers, tape, flashlights. This kit is designed for families with up to 4 children. Extra craft materials available for an extra fee. CODE DATE R/N 100034 Jan 2-Mar 29 $18/$26 Winter Crafts Workshop • AGES 4 AND UP REGISTRATION IN PROGRESS Get ready for the holidays! While you sip hot cocoa, make nature-themed crafts for your friends and family. To wrap your gifts, design your own wrapping paper using our rubber stamps and stickers on recycled paper or paper bags. Price is per person. All adults and children attending must be registered. At least one adult must attend with each family or group. (ah) CODE DATE DAY TIME R/N Knoch Knolls Nature Center River Room • 320 Knoch Knolls Rd. 95930 Dec 7 Sa 10:00 am-12:00 pm $6/$9 95929 Dec 7 Sa 1:00-3:00 pm $6/$9
47 WINTER 2025
NAPERVILLE PARK DISTRICT Promoting healthy lives, minds and community
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