NPD Preschool Academy Located at the Alfred Rubin Riverwalk Community Center in downtown Naperville.
TWO PLUS: AGE 30 MONTHS 100241 M, W, F 9:00-11:00am Alfred Rubin Riverwalk Community Center
$2115(R)/$2385 * Tuition Payment Plan: $235(R)/$265(N) $1458(R)/$1728(N) * Tuition Payment Plan: $162(R)/$192(N)
Sep 8-May 11
100242 T, Th
9:00-11:00am Alfred Rubin Riverwalk Community Center
Sep 9-May 12
YOUNG THREES: AGE 3 100243 T, Th
$1710(R)/$1980(N) * Tuition Payment Plan: $190(R)/$220(N)
8:45-10:45 am Alfred Rubin Riverwalk Community Center
Sep 9-May 12
THREES: AGE 3 100240 M, W, F 8:45-11:15 am Alfred Rubin Riverwalk Community Center PRE-KINDERGARTEN: AGE 4 100239 M, W, F 9:15-11:45 am Alfred Rubin Riverwalk Community Center
$2385(R)/$2655(N) * Tuition Payment Plan: $265(R)/$295(N)
Sep 8-May 11
$2385(R)/$2655(N) * Tuition Payment Plan: $265(R)/$295(N) $3150(R)/$3420(N) * Tuition Payment Plan: $350(R)/$380(N)
Sep 8-May 13
100238 M-Th 9:00-11:30 am Alfred Rubin Riverwalk Community Center
Sep 8-May 13
Toadstools and Pollywogs Preschool Located at our Interpretive Center at Seager Park or Knoch Knolls Nature Center, Toadstools & Pollywogs takes advantage of vast acres of land with nearby walking trails, open fields, pond, river and an abundance of wildlife that provide endless opportunities for our preschoolers to explore and investigate. CODE DAY TIME LOCATION PRICE DATES THREES: AGE 3 100250 M, W, F 9:35 am-12:05 pm Knoch Knolls Nature Center $2385(R)/$2655(N) * Tuition Payment Plan: $265(R)/$295(N) Sep 8-May 11 100251 T, Th 9:25-11:55 am Knoch Knolls Nature Center $1620(R)/$1890(N) * Tuition Payment Plan: $180(R)/$210(N) Sep 9-May 12 100252 T, Th 9:35 am-12:05 pm Knoch Knolls Nature Center $1620(R)/$1890(N) * Tuition Payment Plan: $180(R)/$210(N) Sep 9-May 12 100249 T, Th 9:00-11:30 am Seager Park Interpretive Center $1620(R)/$1890(N) * Tuition Payment Plan: $180(R)/$210(N) Sep 9-May 12 PRE-KINDERGARTEN: AGE 4 100246 M, W, F 9:25-11:55 am Knoch Knolls Nature Center $2385(R)/$2655(N) * Tuition Payment Plan: $265(R)/$295(N) Sep 8-May 13 100248 T, W, Th 12:45-3:15 pm Knoch Knolls Nature Center $2385(R)/$2655(N) * Tuition Payment Plan: $265(R)/$295(N) Sep 9-May 13 100245 M-Th 12:35-3:05 pm Knoch Knolls Nature Center $3150(R)/$3420(N) * Tuition Payment Plan: $350(R)/$380(N) Sep 8-May 13 100247 M, W, F 9:00-11:30 am Seager Park Interpretive Center $2385(R)/$2655(N) * Tuition Payment Plan: $265(R)/$295(N) Sep 8-May 13 NO DROP-OFF/PICKUP OPTION DROP-OFF/COME IN TO PICKUP DROP-OFF & PICKUP OPTION 2024-2025 preschool class offerings can be found on the preschool website: NAPERVILLEPARKS.ORG/PRESCHOOL
51 WINTER 2025
NAPERVILLE PARK DISTRICT Promoting healthy lives, minds and community
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