2025 NPD Winter Program Guide


DAILY SCHEDULE ARRIVAL...............................................................5 minutes MORNING MEETING.......................................10 minutes CENTER TIME...................................................75 minutes THINKING AND FEEDBACK..........................10 minutes

GROSS MOTOR...............................................20 minutes READ ALOUD....................................................15 minutes PHONEMIC AWARENESS..............................10 minutes DISMISSAL...........................................................5 minutes


SMALL GROUP: Seed Experiment: Children are given a lima bean, paper towel and baggy. They plant a lima bean seed and place it in the window. Children will record its growth in an observation journal. THINKING AND FEEDBACK: The class gathers on the carpet to discuss and reflect on the activities just explored in centers GROSS MOTOR/NATURE HIKE: Count and Move: Children practice counting while moving a set number of times. PHONEMIC AWARENESS: HEGGERTY CURRICULUM: Onset Fluency The teachers says two words. The students repeat the two words and show thumbs up if they begin with the same onset, thumbs down if the onset is different.. DISMISSAL: gather belongings and good bye song

• Garden inspirations returns. Children use a variety of paintbrushes, colored pencils, crayons, markers and clay to create a garden. • Top soil is in the sensory table with a variety of gardening tools and plastic pots for children to fill and plant with. • Using a variety of images of different gardens, children create a garden of their own out of wooden blocks. • The dramatic play area is turned into a garden center complete with plants, pots and gardening tools. Children create the signage for their store. • Categorizing and Inspecting Seeds: Children separate a variety of seeds based on their observations using their eyes and again with a magnifying glass. They then write about the different characteristics of the seeds.

ARRIVAL: put away belongings, wash hands and writing activity MORNING MEETING: hello song, go over schedule of the day, introduce the garden center in dramatic play and introduce categorizing and inspecting seeds center READ ALOUD: “The Ugly Vegetable” first read (this is the only time the story is read in its entirely). It is the basis for all of the activities that happen throughout the day. CENTERS: reading center, garden inspirations in art, soil in sensory table, building a garden in blocks, garden center in dramatic play and categorizing and inspecting seeds • The reading center is full of books that relate to plants, spring and gardens.

53 WINTER 2025

NAPERVILLE PARK DISTRICT Promoting healthy lives, minds and community

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