2025 NPD Winter Program Guide


Storybook Dance • AGES 3-5 Perfect for young princes and princesses who love to dance and act, this stimulating program opens up the imagination of new dancers with stories, nursery rhymes, music and exciting props. It teaches dance in a creative atmosphere while strengthening basic motor and social skills. Using costumes, lively music and storytelling, fairy tales become real and each beloved character comes to life. Please visit our website at www. napervilleparks.org/dance for dress code information. (bm) CODE DATE DAY TIME R/N 95th Street Wood Floor Studio 208/209 • 2244 West 95th St. 99813 Jan 11-Mar 29 Sa 9:40-10:25 am $147/$177

Tap/Jazz Basics • AGES 3-5 This program is designed to build a solid dance foundation. Dancers learn proper posture and technique while being introduced to dance terminology from both dance styles. The program focuses on the fundamentals of jazz technique, while incorporating tap to help with rhythm, tempo and distribution of weight. Please visit our website at www. napervilleparks.org/dance for dress code information. (bm) CODE DATE DAY TIME R/N

Fort Hill Studio B • 20 Fort Hill Dr. 99815 Jan 9-Mar 27 Th

4:55-5:40 pm $147/$177





R/N FEE $147/$177 $147/$177 $147/$177 $147/$177

CODE 99775 99776 99779 99780

AcroDance Preschool AcroDance Preschool

3-5 3-5 3-4 3-4 3-5 3-4 5-7 5-7 5-7 5-7 5-7 3-4 4-5

W 4:40-5:25 pm 95th Street Center

M 10:50-11:35 am ARRCC

Ballet Basics Ballet Basics Ballet Basics

Sa 8:45-9:30 am Fort Hill Activity Center Th 9:40-10:25 am Fort Hill Activity Center

Sa 9:40-10:25 am ARRCC Sa 10:35-11:20 am ARRCC

$135/$165 99778 $135/$165 99783

Ballet/Tap Basics Ballet: Beginner Ballet: Beginner

Tu 4:35-5:20 pm Fort Hill Activity Center M 4:00-4:45 pm Naperville Central High School

$147/$177 $147/$177 $147/$177 $147/$177 $147/$177 $147/$177 $147/$177

99789 99791 99795 99796 99794 99799 99800

Hip Hop/Jazz Fusion Hip Hop/Jazz Fusion Hip Hop/Jazz Fusion Hippity Hoppers Hippity Hoppers Pirouette with Me Pirouette with Me Pirouette with Me Pirouette with Me Pirouette with Me Pirouette with Me Pirouette with Me Storybook Dance Tap/Jazz Basics Ballet: Adult Beginner Ballet: Adult Beginner Jazz: Adult Beginning Tap: Adult Beginning

Th 6:05-6:50 pm 95th Street Center


5:05-5:50 pm ARRCC

Tu 5:25-6:10 pm Fort Hill Activity Center Sa 10:35-11:20 am Fort Hill Activity Center Th 4:00-4:45 pm Fort Hill Activity Center Sa 11:30 am-12:00 pm 95th Street Center W 4:00-4:30 pm 95th Street Center W 5:30-6:00 pm 95th Street Center

1 1/2-3 1 1/2-3 1 1/2-3 1 1/2-3 1 1/2-3 1 1/2-3 1 1/2-3

$135/$165 99804 $135/$165 99805 $135/$165 99806 $135/$165 99803 $135/$165 99809 $135/$165 99807 $135/$165 99808

W 9:40-10:10 am ARRCC W 9:00-9:30 am ARRCC

Th 9:00-9:30 am Fort Hill Activity Center Tu 4:00-4:30 pm Naperville Central High School Sa 9:40-10:25 am 95th Street Center Th 4:55-5:40 pm Fort Hill Activity Center

3-5 3-5

$147/$177 $147/$177

99813 99815

18 and up 18 and up 18 and up 18 and up

M 11:45 am-12:45 pm ARRCC

$159/$189 99786 $159/$189 99787 $159/$189 99801 $159/$189 100332

Th 8:00-9:00 pm Fort Hill Activity Center Tu 7:40-8:40 pm Naperville Central High School

Tu 8:15-9:15 pm ARRCC

63 WINTER 2025

NAPERVILLE PARK DISTRICT Promoting healthy lives, minds and community

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