Naperville Youth Soccer • 4 YEARS-6TH GRADE NYS is a recreational program that emphasizes fun and learning, prioritizes each child’s opportunity to be part of a team, learn new skills, socialize, and be active, and reinforces the importance of sportsmanship. Participants are divided as follows: YOUNG 4'S • Age-based program (grade level not applicable) • For participants who turn 4 between September 2, 2024 and April 1, 2025 PRE-KINDERGARTEN • Age-based program (grade level not applicable) • Participants must be 4 years old as of September 1, 2024 KINDERGARTEN • Age-based program (grade level not applicable) • Participants must be 5-6 years and 3 months and not in 1st grade as of September 1, 2024 1ST-6TH GRADE • Grade-based program • Participants register based on 2024/2025 grade level RESIDENT/NONRESIDENT FEES • Young 4's-1st Grade : $81/$111 • 2nd-6th Grade: $86/$11 6
NYS IMPORTANT DATES • Resident Girls and Young 4's registration opens: Tuesday, December 10 at 12:00 pm
• Resident Boys registration opens: Wednesday, December 11 at 12:00 pm • Nonresident registration opens: Thursday, December 12 at 12:00 pm • Coaches contacted by Soccer Coordinator: by March 1 • Game scheduled posted to : Saturday, March 15 • Players contacted by their Coach with practice time: week of March 17 • First practice: week of March 24 • First game: Saturday, April 12
PRACTICE LOCATIONS: Our goal is to provide every division with practice locations conveniently located throughout Naperville. Practice locations may be within a Naperville Park District park, a Park District park that is attached to a school or at a school site. No matter where a practice takes place, it’s important to note that the NYS program as a whole is operated under the Naperville Park District and not the school district. It is also important to note that the teams within NYS do not represent individual schools. Practice locations are chosen based on the needs within a geographic area and on the size of the site. The Naperville Park District does not have the ability to offer a team for every grade and gender at every park/school location. CREATING NEW TEAMS: NPD Soccer Coordinators diligently track waitlists post registration. When considering the possibility of forming a new team, we analyze several factors including: the count of waitlisted participants not assigned to existing teams, available space for a new team, openings at nearby locations, and the ability to secure a head coach. EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS: All participants are required to purchase a reversible NYS game-day jersey. NYS jerseys can be purchased at the Fort Hill Activity Center for $18. Soccer cleats or gym shoes, shin guards, water bottle and an age-appropriate soccer ball are also required. REFEREES: Coach and parent volunteers act as game referees for Young 4's-1st grade divisions. A contractual partner provides referees for 2nd-6th grade division games. If you are interested in becoming a referee, please apply at
WEEKLY PRACTICES: Practices take place between the hours of 4:30 pm and 7:00 pm for approximately 45-60 minutes on the specified day and location. The volunteer coaches will determine the exact practice time and communicate that time to participants by the week of March 17. Practice times and lengths may fluctuate throughout the season based on player attention spans, coach availability, weather and sunlight. Practice locations are shared between teams; additionally, fields are not lined and do not include goals. WEEKLY GAMES: Games are played on Saturdays at various times and locations over the course of 7 weeks. Games will not be rescheduled due to team conflicts. Games canceled due to inclement weather will be rescheduled by the Park District and communicated accordingly. There are no games May 24. VOLUNTEER COACHES ARE NEEDED FOR EACH TEAM: Coaching positions are filled on a first-come, first-served basis. A team without a Head Coach volunteer cannot participate in the season and that team will be canceled without guaranteed placement on another team. NPD Soccer Coordinators will contact participants to request a Head Coach volunteer prior to cancellation. Coaches in good standing receive priority registration for the following outdoor season. Coaches will be contacted by March 1. PARTICIPANTS MAY REGISTER OR WAITLIST: Participants may be on only one team and are asked to register OR waitlist for one team only. Registrants found on a team and also on a waitlist will be removed from all waitlists without notice.
75 WINTER 2025
NAPERVILLE PARK DISTRICT Promoting healthy lives, minds and community
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