Scan here or visit napervilleparks.org/ magicalstarlighttheatre for complete show and ticket information.
Presented By Magical Starlight Theatre Cinderella is presented by arrangement with Concord Theatricals on behalf of The Rodgers & Hammerstein Organization. www.concordtheatricals.com
This new Broadway adaptation of the family-favorite musical Cinderella is a contemporary take on the well-known fairy tale. When Ella comes across a young prince, who is new to ruling, she helps him recognize how those in power can enrich the lives of the powerless across the kingdom. With the help of a fairy godmother, a little bit of magic, and several new characters in an expanded world, Ella challenges those around her, including the audience, to build a better and kinder society. Delight in hearing classic beloved songs such as “Impossible” and “Ten Minutes Ago” now interwoven with cheeky new humor and modern sensibilities. At its core, Ella’s story remains a heartfelt tale that will inspire and delight the whole family. TICKETS: $20 ($23 at the door)
LOCATION: Naperville Central High School Auditorium • 440 Aurora Ave. Tickets may be purchased by phone at 630-848-5000, online at napervilleparks.org or in-person at the Alfred Rubin Riverwalk Community Center, 305 West Jackson Avenue or Fort Hill Activity Center, 20 Fort Hill Drive during regular business hours.
CODE DAY DATE TIME 98488 Fri Jan 10 7:30 pm 98489 Sat Jan 11 1:30 pm 98490 Sat Jan 11 6:30 pm 98491 Sun Jan 12 1:30 pm
CODE DAY DATE TIME 98492 Fri Jan 17 7:30 pm 98493 Sat Jan 18 1:30 pm 98494 Sat Jan 18 6:30 pm 98495 Sun Jan 19 1:30 pm
Seating is general admission. The theatre seating opens 30 minutes prior to the performance and the lobby opens one hour prior to the performance. Please enter through Door #24 for the Auditorium (west side of the high school). The show runs for approximately 2-½ hours, including a 20-minute intermission. A sign language interpreter will be present at the Saturday, January 11, 1:30 pm and Friday, January 17, 7:30 pm performances.
Please visit magicalstarlight.org for registration tips and more information.
9 WINTER 2025
NAPERVILLE PARK DISTRICT Promoting healthy lives, minds and community
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