The Responsible Specifier Vol 1. - ForestOne

South Australia and Northern Territory

Western Australia

One of the newest members of the Forest- One team, Specification Area Manager Alexsandra Guinan brings over 10 years’ specification expertise to the architecture and design industry. “The EGGER sustain- ability narrative, coupled with ForestOne’s commitment to business principles that align with the sustainability push, is something that got my attention and caused me to come on board with ForestOne,” she says. Through the promotion of EGGER, MEGANITE® and ForestOne products, Alexsandra is help- ing change the face of the architecture and design industry in Western Australia.

An industry veteran with almost 40 years’ of experience, State Sales Manager for South Australia and Northern Territory Brenton Thain has worked across a range of materials and products and continues to specify with delight. Working with both new and returning clients, Brenton continues to bring an ener- gised approach to specifying ForestOne’s full range of materials. Trusted by many for his long-standing relationships, valuable knowledge and ability to advise on the right products, Brenton encourages architects and designers to make the responsible choice when it comes to specifying.


Group Decorative and Specification Manager Darryl Ball and National Business Develop- ment Manager for Decorative products John Dalla Via form the National team at Forest- One. “The architect and design market allows people to think differently about how they design and build to meet the needs of the client,” says John. “Part of why I love this is that there are rarely two projects the same.” Darryl and John’s knowledge of specifying the right products for each project supports architects and designers in keeping up to date with the ever-changing industry.

“Everything we do begins and ends with the environment and reducing our impact on it,” says Claire.

Darryl John




ForestOne @forest1au

The Responsible Specifier People


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