Aircraft For Sale - May 2023

2. Safety It’s been nearly two years since I ruined multiple cylinders in a tragic and stupid cowl plug incident. Since then, my engine-related PTSD seems to have kicked up its feet, settled in, and taken up permanent residence in my head. These days, I watch my cylinder head tempera- ture like a hawk and constantly monitor every engine gauge with trep- idation. As part of the Garmin setup I plan to install, the engine monitor is the element I’m most excited about. With one glance at one instrument, I’ll be able to evaluate the information presently spread across no fewer than eight separate steam gauges. I’ll be able to monitor the CHTs (cyl- inder heat temperatures) and EGTs (exhaust gas temperatures) of indi- vidual cylinders easily, and I’ll feel much better about identifying any abnormal trends quickly and early. The engine monitor will also display accurate fuel quantity indica- tions. Rather than judging remaining fuel on board by time and refu- eling every 2.5 to 3 hours of flight in an abundance of caution, I’ll be able to stretch the airplane’s legs with more confidence. This ability to fly with somewhat lower fuel levels can translate into a nice per- formance boost when desired, enabling shorter takeoff distances at challenging strips. The ADS-B transponder is another huge benefit. Seamlessly inte- grating with GPS and depicting traffic on the panel as well as on my iPad, I’ll feel a lot more knowledgeable of the traffic around me. It’s also a more robust and permanent solution than some of the less-ex- pensive alternatives. 3. Room to Grow One of the reasons I opted to save additional funds and buy a Cessna 170 instead of a smaller 120 or 140 is that I wanted an airplane I’d grow into, ability-wise, rather than out of. The 170’s additional room and pay- load enable me to go camping with friends, unlock better performance when light, and feel less cramped on longer flights. The 170 is a more permanent solution, and I will enjoy the extra capability long after I forget about the higher price. To a similar extent, a modern and fully capable panel will enable me to get current and utilize my instrument rating should I wish. Doing so could increase the number of flyable days in the year, and it could make

the airplane a more reliable and consistent means of travel. I may want to get current solely to refine another set of skills. Regardless, a modernized panel opens up all of these possibilities and unlocks an entirely new world of flying that is inaccessible with the current display. 4. Fun Back in my bike shop days, I’d regularly advise people on their bike purchases and custom builds. I didn’t work on commission and was therefore motivated not by the money they spent but rather by their enjoyment of riding. One point I’d make in earnest was that it’s OK to upgrade to a newer bike or component, even if all it does is make them happier and more enthusiastic about their favorite hobby. Ulti- mately, this made me feel better about spending new car money on a new panel. Rather than splurging on a bass boat, paying for years upon years of green fees, or simply buying drinks at the bar every weekend, I decided to design and build a panel that enhances my enjoyment of my favorite pastime and hobby. Can I justify the upgrade with financial benefits and a return on in- vestment that can be illustrated on a spreadsheet? No. Does the flying I do demand the functionality offered by such a panel? Also no. Are my flying skills such that I am significantly limited by my current panel? Definitely not. But just as I worked massive amounts of overtime to afford my Lite- speed Obed titanium mountain bike with a Chris King wheelset, Ma- rinovative brakes, and mystical Magic Motorcycle crankset, I’ve been socking away money every month to afford the ultimate panel. And just as that cool gear introduced an element of fun that easily made up for my utter lack of fitness and riding ability, I anticipate the panel up- grade to similarly enhance my day-to-day enjoyment of my airplane. These benefits may not show up on a spreadsheet, but they sure leave a smile on your face. And I’m looking forward to it. ]

JASON McDOWELL is a private pilot and Cessna 170 owner based in Madison, Wisconsin. He enjoys researching obscure aviation history and serves as a judge for the National Intercollegiate Flying Association. He can be found on Instagram as @cessnateur.

Modern avionics enable an owner to eliminate the vacuum system entirely, saving weight and complexity while greatly increasing capability.



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