Biola Broadcaster - 1968-01

mind the Spirit. This indeed makes life exciting. Suppose we take a step into a situation that is a disappoint­ ment. What do we do? If we are minding the things of the Spirit, we know that He is working within us. We rejoice in all that He can do for us. Our minds recognize disappoint­ ment, but they are so full of all that the Spirit of God can be in such a circumstance that we are not ob­ sessed with our problems. In these situations Christ’s life sets us free from the old life that reproduced discouragement, defeat, and death. Remember, that you died to the law in the same way that you died to sin. The wonderful thing that happens when we walk in the Spirit is that we don’t fulfill the lusts of the flesh. The righteousness of the law is ful­ filled in us. Automatically the quality of Christ’s life is released through us. The quality of the life of the Holy Spirit within us is the essence of the law of God. Love, righteousness, peace, and joy flow through us. We don’t have to manufacture them; it is a spontaneous reaction. It is necessary for us, through the Spirit, to mortify or put to death the deeds of the body. Sin is still going to raise its ugly head. Satan will come along with temptations. De­ feat and discouragement will be his sharp tools. It isn’t necessary for us to respond. While the power of sin is too big for you, remember you have within you the principle of the Spirit of life. If the power of God could raise Christ from the dead, don’t you think that same power can be used to defeat Satan? Living the Romans life is a most glorious prospect. You can recognize sin and how to over­ come it. You can recognize self and how to overcome it. You can see Satan at work and know how to over­ come him. There are untold possibili­ ties to seeing tribulations, trials, problems and difficulties overcome and your rejoicing in them. This is the glorious liberty of being set free from all the tremendous de­

mands of the law. You are brought into a new relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. You can enjoy Him risen from the dead within you by His Holy Spirit. He reproduces His life in yours which is fruit unto God. It is a life of faith, expecting God to do the sort of thing He prom­ ised He would do through you by the Holy Spirit. This is nothing more or less than living the normal Chris­ tian life. If you have never done it’ before, kneel down now. open your Bible to the Epistle of Romans and say, “Oh God, this wonderful Chris­ tian life is for me. While I have known so little of it up to now, I want to claim the full blessings of Your power within me.” May God give you the power and conviction to do it now for His honor and glory.

UNLESS I SH A R E Though Jesus Christ were born Two thousand years ago. His birth was but in vain— Unless my brother know. The life of love He lived, Except I make it clear, His sacrifice was loss— Unless my brother hear. The love that Christmas means, In me, shows meager part— Unless I share abroad His love from out my heart. —Jesse Cameron Alison

Jeanne Fox (left) of San Diego, Calif., a junior, has the opportunity of meeting Rick Allen, Associated Student Body president whose home is in Tucson, Ariz. Mr. Allen will be graduat­ ing this June from Blola Colege.


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